The Crain House

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Willow POV:

I quietly cried as I stared at John B on the ground, and we sent Pope to call for help. I couldn't stand seeing Sarah comfort him. I walked over and dropped down onto my knees next to him, Sarah looked up at me sniffling. She leaned down kissing him before sliding backwards so I could sit with him. 

"John B, stay with me." I cried as I pushed his hair out of his face, "Please don't leave us." I sniffled. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned in pain, he had a very faint smile forming at the sight of me. I grabbed his hand just so that he knew we were there. Sarah had joined me at some point but I didn't remember anything until the ambulance showed up. Kiara practically had to pry my hands from his.


We all stayed in the waiting room but everyone eventually decided to go back to the Chateau. JJ tried to reason with me and get me to go with them but I just shook my head at every word he said. A nurse came and woke me up sometime before sunrise to tell me that I could be with him and they warned me that he still wasn't awake. I walked into the room and the first thing I saw was Sarah Cameron. 

"How is he?" I asked quietly, not even trying to look at her. My voice sounded weird because I hadn't spoken in a while.

"Alive." That is all the girl told me, I laughed quietly. I sat down beside the hospital bed, my hand instantly going towards his as I grabbed it and I sat there waiting. I just waited and waited until eventually, I fell asleep.


Something squeezed my hand and I instantly jolted awake. My eyes searched the room seeing a smiling Sarah by the bed. I followed her line of sight down to a cheerful smile. "Hey, LowLow." He smiled.

"Hey.." I smiled right back.

"Where am I?" John B asked, eyes trailing around the room.

"St. Olives," Sarah said to him quietly.

"You fell from the Hawks Nest," I told him.

"You have a concussion and a broken wrist," Sarah explained to him. He lifted his arm in a cast up and I moved my hands away.

"Woah.." He whispered. Me and Sarah laughed at him softly.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Sarah chuckled. His eyes widened as he realized something he sat himself up.

"I need to get outta here." He groaned in pain holding his head. "DCS is gonna find me." I grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him back into the bed carefully.

"Careful, JB. We'll figure it out." I whispered to him.

"Hang on there kid. Hang on." A voice behind me said, John B sighed in annoyance, and I kept my back turned as I recognized the voice. Ward Cameron. Of course. "Sarah told me everything. About your little adventures, about you running from DCS, about how you were protecting her in the tower. John B, I believe I owe you an apology. You were honest with me about a small indiscretion and I went ahead and fired you anyway. And I shouldn't have." I zoned out until I heard him asking John B if he wanted to live with him.

"JB, I'm gonna head out. Cya at the Wreck later, yeah?" He nodded at me with a smile, I waved at him before walking out of the room.


John B POV:

"Welcome home, kid." Ward patted my back before heading inside. Sarah led me up a staircase.

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