What Just Happened!?

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We had all ran back to the construction site but made a pit stop at Pope's house so that Pope could get his camera, if that's what you want to call it. 

"Nice camera." JJ snickered, "Where'd you dig up that old relic?" JJ teased him.

"Why can't you just be normal and use a phone?" I asked him.

"Well, first of all, I like my antique electronics." He told the two of us. "Second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away." He explained to us.

"Forget I asked." I mumbled leaning my head against the fence we were all ducked behind.

"Lord of the dorks." JJ whispered to me, I held in a laugh and Kie just eyed the two of us.

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass."

"There he is!" I pointed out Ward... and my Dad. Great.

"Get down." Kie pushed me back down into my crouching position.

"And there's Gavin." Pope said, angling his camera towards him. I jumped at the sound of thunder and pressed my back to the fence, sitting on the ground.

"Fuck me.." I whispered not paying attention to anything happening around me.

"Where are you going, son of a bitch." Pope mumbled to himself as he followed them with the camera.


I pretended like I didn't notice when Willow ducked under the fence due to the storm and listened to Pope mutter things to himself. 

"No, no, no. I'm losing him." Pope rambled. Willow shifted back around to watch what was happening.

"Then find him Pope." She whisper shouted at him, I elbowed her to get her attention.

"You good?" I quietly asked her.

"Fantastic. Just stuck in the middle of a storm spying on murderers with the loudest people on earth." She responded, "But no yeah. I'm fantastic." She nodded.

"Hold on." I told them before going around the building looking for a way up. I spotted a ladder and jogged over to them. I whistled to get their attention, "Yo! Hey, I think I found something." I waved them over. "Come here. Gotta go up top." I pointed upwards as we reached the ladder.

"What happens if I get scared by the thunder and fall to my death mid-climb?" Willow looked at any of us for a response.

"Then, I- I'll catch you. Like when we climbed off your balcony." I reassured her. She gave me a scared look but agreed nonetheless.

"That'll work." Pope said climbing up before Kie did. I went last, making sure a certain someone didn't fall off. Which she somehow managed to almost do twice.

"You rolling, Pope?" I asked as we all crouched near the edge of the building.

"Are- are you getting it?" Kie asked impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah, I see them." He nodded.

Willow POV:

"Ward just handed Gavin something. I think it's a duffle bag."

"Guys I think this is a payoff." JJ told us.

"Then why the hell is my father there? He's rich but not that rich." I told them all.

"Maybe he's the muscle." Kie shrugged.

"Gavin doesn't look happy about something. He's yelling at them." Pope explained to us what was happening seeing how he was the only one who had a clear view on everything.

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