Show Me A Smile

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"Choi Harry, it's a crime that you don't smile more" you pout across the table at the usual stone-faced Harry who sits there, reclined nonchalantly in his seat, a warm cup of tea cradled between his hands.

He offered to take you out for lunch since he had some free time and wanted to get away from his personal shopper for a bit. You two have met in person a couple of times now. Harry was hesitant at first, but something in him seemed to loosen up over time, and now he even seems to look forward to the brief fragments of time that the two of you get to share together.

Though he would never admit that out loud of course.

"Mm? As far as I'm concerned that's not a true arrestable offense." he takes a long sip from his tea.

You groan and rest the side of your face in your palm, leaning forward on your elbow. "Stop being so facetious. I'm saying you should try to smile more!"

Harry sits his cup down and thinks a moment, staring down into the honey colored liquid where he's met with his own stoic reflection staring back at him. "Isn't it dishonest to smile only to please others? I prefer to be genuine with the emotions I express."

You roll your eyes. "Says the guy who tiptoes around the topic of his emotions whenever I bring it up."

"I don't 'tiptoe' around the topic, you simply ask too vague of questions."

"He said, tiptoeing around the topic once again."



He sighs. He knows how you are when you get like this, and it'll be a lot less tiring for him to just go along with it.

"Fine. Then give me something to smile about and maybe I will."

"But you're already out having lunch with me. Isn't that reason enough to smile?"

"It's not unpleasant, but there's nothing for me to be smiling about."

That comment leaves you so offended that you give Harry the absolute most stone cold pout you can muster. The audacity!

A subtle smirk quirks the corner of his lip upwards, but it's a fleeting gesture. "What now?" He asks.

"Aren't you happy? People usually smile when they're happy!"

"Mm.. I'm not unhappy per se."

You groan again. "And you say I'm vague. You're the king of vague responses!"

"That isn't true."

"Is too!"

"Is not."

"Is too!!"

"Mm, I don't think so."

You groan and slump your shoulders in defeat. God, Choi Harry..

Harry studies you a moment before tilting his head slightly. "Is that why you're always smiling around me?"


"Because you're happy?"

You blink a bit, taken aback by that question. Oh.. "Well, I mean.. yeah. I have fun spending time with you."

Harry brings a hand up to cover his mouth, but just before that you catch sight of it - a warm, genuine smile blooming on his face, wide enough to reach his eyes. His lovely eyes.. Ugh, Y/N! This is no time to think about how handsome Harry is!

"You sure are strange." He says, hiding his smile behind his hand. But you can still hear the amusement in his voice, and see the slight crinkle in his eye.

It's a rare, lovely spectacle that's reserved for your eyes only.

You feel your heart begin to beat faster.

That's it. For sure.. you're going to make it your mission to make Choi Harry smile as much as possible from now on.

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