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Two months.

It had already been two months since you and Harry officially started dating.

Gosh.. where does the time go?

It wasn't until recently, on the two month anniversary of you guys going steady, that Harry messaged you out of the blue saying "I want to see you."

You had always told him that you understood that it was hard for the two of you to be together right now. You were perfectly content with being long distance for now. You were happy just having him there for you. Though.. you'd be lying if you said you didn't sometimes wonder what it would be like to go on a proper date together. Walking hand in hand, him gazing at you with those piercing eyes that only soften when he looks at you. That special expression reserved just for you.. those eyes reserved just for you. Those lips reserved just for you..

You get lost in thought and find yourself blushing softly. You need to change this line of thought quickly..!

You snap yourself out of it by responding to him.

"What's this all of a sudden?
Are you going soft on me, honeyyy?~
Haha, of course I want to see you too <3"

In a heartbeat he responds back.

Harry: "No. I mean it.
Tonight. If you're free.
I want you here."

You swallow hard at the boldness of those words. Harry.. certainly doesn't cut corners, does he?

"But.. isn't it a big night for you?
I don't want to impose or stir up gossip.."

A big night indeed. Although awards are nothing new for Harry, his last movie recently debuted and reached an international stage. Due to its popularity and success worldwide it has been nominated for some prestigious award that Harry was supposed to receive tonight.

Harry: "It's just as you said.
It's an important night, so I want you here.
I can send a driver to come get you anytime.
Just say the word."

Oh.. he really wasn't kidding, huh?

Your heart begins to beat steadily faster from a mix of uncertainty and excitement as you respond back.

"Are you for sure?
In that case.. I'm not doing anything tonight. So I could come.
I'd love to.
But what should I wear?
Should I bring sunglasses?"

Maybe you should try and disguise yourself?

Harry: "No.
Come as you are.
Just don't show off too much skin.
I don't need to worry about some weirdos ogling you."

You smile and roll your eyes.

"I don't think you have to worry about that."

Harry: "You wouldn't understand, you're not a man.
You have no idea what kind of thoughts run through my head when I see your pictures.
Perhaps I've said too much.
Anyway, I'll send a driver your way around 6.
Don't be late."

The juxtaposition of his normal casual tone with such an embarrassing confession leaves your cheeks burning. He's.. he's unbelievable!

You pat at your face to try to snap yourself out of it. You don't have much time. You need to get ready and make yourself presentable. Harry said to come as you are, but you know that there's a formal dress code.

You skim through your wardrobe. Surely a simple black dress is a safe option? You pull a slim fitting short black dress from your closet, and decide to pair it with a shiny pair of bedazzled heels that you've never had a chance to wear before. They always seemed a bit too fancy to wear casually, so at least you have a good reason to wear them now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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