One Too Many

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"I don't drink. People only try to make you drink for some ulterior motive. They hope you'll let down your inhibitions and do something embarrassing, or maybe let them swindle you, get information out of you. The list goes on."

Or so Harry told you at some point. Supposedly he lives by that motto when it comes to alcohol, so he rarely drinks at all in social settings.

Naturally, this got you thinking. Harry doesn't drink often, right? So he must be a huge lightweight. The imagery of a tipsy, clumsy Harry makes you giggle to yourself. If he could hear you over the phone right now he'd surely be rolling his eyes and asking what kind of absurd thing you're imagining.

You never thought you'd see the day where Harry actually got tipsy though.

But just recently, after a long day of being forced to socialize with some big wigs at an indie movie award ceremony, Harry sent you a surprising message.

Harry: "Red or white?"

You blink, perplexed. What, like-

Harry: "Wine, I mean. Which sounds better to you."

Oh. Wine.

Wait, wine???

This is the first you've ever heard Harry talk about drinking. Surely he's not asking for himself, right?

"Pft, what a thing to ask out of the blue.
Idk, red? Isn't that what people normally drink?"

Truthfully, you don't know much about any alcoholic drinks.

Harry: "Mm.. Then I should probably pick out a drier variety. I'm not in the mood for something sweet."

Huh? He's.. drinking for himself? Ohh, what a great opportunity for some teasing~ Hehehe

"Ooh, Mr. Choi, are you going on a wild bender tonight?"

Harry: "Maybe.
I am full of surprises after all."

Whoa. Is Harry actually cracking jokes now? You feel like you've just entered the twilight zone. What brought this on?

"Man, must've been some ceremony to send you on a bender at this time of night."

Harry: "You know I'm a night owl. It isn't that much of a surprise.
Besides, I deserve a drink after the kind of torture I've been subjected to today."

"You mean socializing? With other human beings?"

Harry: "Yeah, that."

You can't help but roll your eyes.

"Well, don't drink too much then. I can't be there to take care of you if you get hungover."

Harry: "I've never gotten hungover.
And even if I did, I wouldn't need you to coddle me."

"Are you sure about that? I bet you're a major lightweight~"

Harry. "What kind of man do you take me for?"

You can practically hear Harry sigh.

Harry: "Anyway, I'm going now. Bye."

And suddenly, he's offline as abruptly as usual.

You can't help but wonder if he'll really be alright though.. Ack, what are you doing worrying about a guy like him anyway!? With as much as he abuses his body already, he can surely handle a couple glasses of wine! He's probably just.. immune to alcohol or something. Yeah, you could see that.

A couple hours pass until suddenly you receive a call from none other than Harry himself.

Oh? This ought to be interesting.

You pick up and answer in a playful tone. "Already having regrets, huh? Need me to come take care of you already?"

Oddly enough, Harry doesn't respond in his usual sharp tone. Rather.. he sounds soft. Relaxed.

"Mm, not exactly. I realized I hadn't called you yet tonight, so-"

"Ooh, I'm so honored. You think about me when you drink, huh?~" You giggle at your teasing, but to your surprise Harry doesn't object.

"Maybe. What of it?"

You blink once. Twice. Huh?

"Uh.. well.. I guess that means I'm special to you!"

You hear a soft exhale of laughter from the other end of the phone.

"I wouldn't flatter yourself that much."

You blush softly at his laughter, and even pout a bit, though he can't see it.

"Hmph, a meanie as always, huh? So cold!"

A louder, warmer laughter bubbles up out of him. It's.. really cute sounding actually. It makes your heart feel strange.

"Hahah, you're so quick to react. So naive~ I'm only kidding."

You roll your eyes. "About which part?"

"The part about you being special to me."

...Okay. Now you're really confused.

"..Yeah, yeah. I'm not buying it. You're just trying to tease me more!"

The amusement leaves Harry's voice, and suddenly he sounds so serious. It's enough to make your heart skip a beat. "I wouldn't joke about something like that. Y/N."

Ahh.. now your head is beginning to spin. What's going on?

"Y-You. Well, uhm..."

"Cat got your tongue?" The amusement is back in his voice. And it brings a searing heat straight to your cheeks.

"You're being weird, I'm hanging up..!"


You pause. God, he really needs to stop doing that serious voice out of nowhere.


"Y/N. You know.."

You wait for what seems like an eternity before he finally finishes his thought.

"I'm glad. I have you."

Your heart practically stops. That.. that has to be the wine talking, right? Surely.. but even still.. it does something to you. And you can't bring yourself to make a joke now when he sounds so sincere.

"Yeah.. me too."

There's a peaceful silence between the two of you before Harry finally speaks again.

"Then, I'll let you go. I've kept you long enough. Get some rest."

With a click, he's gone.

And you're left trying to calm the pounding of your heart and the blooming feelings of warmth in your chest.

Maybe you need a drink too.

[The Ssum] Harry x Reader ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora