Chapter 2

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Bose's POV:

I was looking through Ray's bedroom when I heard Chapa yelling my name from the main room of the Man's Nest. 

I ran as fast as I could and saw her standing next to Ray, Schwoz and Miles. They all had a somber look on their faces. God, I was so confused. 

"What's goin' on, guys?" I asked, concerned. 

"So long story short, Helper Monkey let Drex out, locked ray and Schwoz in a room, blocked all possible exits, stole some weapons, including a face modifier, and left the Man's Nest. So, he could literally be anywhere right now. Oh yeah, we also can't find Mika." Chapa said in one breath.

"Jesus, that's a lot to take in" I noted. 

"Okay, so what do we do?" Miles asked. 

"We find Mika, she'll know what to do" Ray said, his arms crossed. 

"Well, I need to find my sister now, before I fucking los-" Miles got cut off by the emergency call line started ringing. 

"Danger Force emergency hotline, Volt speaking" Chapa said, as she answered the phone. 

"So, like, some guy named Jeff like totally kidnapped Shoutout at Hip Hop Purée" A whiny girl with short hair said "Today is the worst" She whined. 

"Thanks for the call, we're on our way" Chapa spoke into the phone. 

"Don't our uniforms have GPS in them or something?" I asked. 

"Yes, they do, and I just got a hit on Mika's. It says she's being held at some warehouse on Lakeforth Avenue" Schwoz said to the group. 

"Okay, Miles and I will check out that warehouse, Chapa and Bose, you head down to Hip Hop Purée and look for clues or witnesses" Ray grabbed his gum from his back pocket. 

"Why can't we go to the warehouse?" Chapa asked, pointing at me. 

"Because, he might come back for more people, plus, it's Jeff, he definitely left a trail of crumbs behind him for you guys to follow, just in case he's not at the warehouse. We need people at the scene of the kidnapping" Miles grabbed his gum, too. 

"Fine. But we want extra pay for this" I told Ray, grabbing my gum. 

"I don't pay you" Ray replies, confused. 

"Exactly!" Chapa pointed her finger in Ray's face. 

"Fine, here's 20 bucks, buy yourselves a purée" Ray handed me a twenty. 

We all got transformed and we were on our way. 


Chapa's POV:

Bose and I were walking down the street that leads to Hip Hop Purée. 

"So, where were you this morning?" He asked me, as we turned the corner to Hip Hop Ave. 

"I told you, I was at the dentist" I lied again. 

"I know you weren't. You hate the idea of people touching your teeth. Plus, the dentist doesn't take 3 and a half hours" Bose saw right through my lie. God. It frustrates me how well he knows me. 

"I was just doing something, it wasn't important" I responded to get him off my back about it. 

"If it wasn't important, then why couldn't you wait until after S.W.A.G. training?" He asked, skeptical. Since when was he so so smart?

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said when I didn't answer.

"I know, it was just personal, okay?" I said, looking away.

"You can talk to me about that stuff, you don't need to keep it all in, y'know." He looked me in the eye, or at least, tried. 

"It was nothing, alright? Can we drop it now?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"It wasn't nothing, though. I can tell it's bugging you." He said, stopping in his tracks. 

"It was just a family thing, okay? I got in a fight with my parents" I told him. 

"I'm glad you told me, is there anything I can do?" He asked putting his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes. 

"It's not your problem, you don't need to get involved" I said, trying to walk away. 

"Okay, I'll stay out of it, but, you have to promise me if something else like this happens again, so I can help" He smiled and grabbed my hand to stop me from walking away. 

"Thanks, Bos- I mean, Brainstorm" I said, realizing we were in uniform and we were in public. 

We walked into Hip Hop Purée to start interviewing people and looking for any clues. 


A/N: Chapter 2! I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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