6. [ Your Annoying Neighbor ] SHIDOU RYUSEI

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Your annoying neighbor turns out to be...not as annoying as you thought he is.

Despite being forced into a restaurant that you'll never even think about stepping a foot inside, Shidou showed you that even a place that sparkled and shone brightly from every corner can have actually good food—not a bite sized steak with a side of mashed potatoes that are a little too watery for your liking; but a large piece of juicy meat served with the creamiest mashed potatoes and the tastiest vegetables. Everything is flavorful, unlike the places you've been to.

"That good, ay?" Shidou says with his mouth full of food as he grins.

You chew and chew until you've swallowed it all down, then you open your mouth to answer him.

"Even dogs don't bark when they have food in their mouths."

Well....it wasn't really an answer.

Shidou winces, flinching back as he looks at you with wide eyes, a hand on his chest, and a jaw that's gone slack. He swallows his food this time before he speaks.

"Well damn, I didn't ask to be eaten alive like that," he clears his throat, "that lowkey hurt my feelings."

You bite the inside of your cheek, feeling some sort of embarrassment and a little guilty for your choice of words. Your lashes flutter as you try to avoid his gaze by looking all over the place except him. You finally give up and catch his gaze.

"You shouldn't be hurt by that," you murmur.

Shidou snorts, he leans to grab a napkin from the middle of the table before leaning back against his seat. "Okay then, give me a good reason why I shouldn't be hurt by that."

Your lips pursue into a side pout as you try to come up with an excuse. Looking back and forth between him and your plate.

"W-well," you blink rapidly when he leans on his elbows and rests his chin in his palm, "you swallow air with your food when you talk with an open mouth."

"Mmh," he hums with a small smile tugging at his lips, "and then what?" he raises a brow as he drags his chair closer to the table—leaning more towards you.

"First of all, you're tipsy—stop leaning towards me," you raise your hands and give him your palms, "and second, you get stomach gasses because of it."

"You scared of some farts? Is that why you are so...polite when you eat? Chewing like a chipmunk until you've swallowed everything. You're so cute."

You want to die because, for the first time in the year, you are actually flustered to be called cute by him.

"Yes actually, I am. I don't like being bloated with gasses."

"It's aight. Y'know I'll sniff them from your ass before they even-"

"Okay I'm done eating, let's go back to the cemetery."

"No can do, pretty thing. You didn't even finish your drink."

"Who drinks wine with lunch?"

"Who doesn't?"

"I'm not drinking it. Here." You push the glass towards him and he gladly grabs it.

Shidou licks every drop of it then slams the glass on the table as he lets out a satisfied groan.

"You're not driving me," you point an index at him, glaring as he gives you his signature smirk.

"Why? Scared I'll get both of us killed?"

"Stupidest fucking question ever."

"Oh c'mon, I have a high tolerance. Plus it hasn't settled in yet, I am stable and can drive."

"You've drunk three glasses, bastard."

You tut as you stand and walk out. Shidou follows quickly after putting the cash in the book before stumbling out.

"Stand straight," you say.

Shidou looks at you, dumbfounded somehow but he straightens up his form. He prays that you would miss the brief wobble in his knee.

Of course you don't.

Stretching your hand towards him, "hand them over now," you demand the keys.

He groans and throws his arms apart, "I can still drive."

"I don't trust that at all. Hand them over or I'll walk back."

"You're not making it down the street with those damn heels. Lemme drive you, don't be stubborn."

Shidou giggles when you give him your middle finger before you hide your hand from a kid who happened to pass by.

"Fine. Just give me the keys and I'll pay you for the ride."

"No, I'll pay you to ride," he snickers.

Your brows scrunch in confusion until you see the way he palms himself in public. Your body furiously heats up when he sends you a wink and bites his lip.

"You're so annoying," you huff as you inch towards him. You stuff your hand in his left pocket and search for his keys but find nothing.

"My dick isn't there," he says, bringing a hand to the back of your neck and pulling you closer to him.

You feel the heat rushing to the top of your head as you push back against his grip. You gaze into his narrowed eyes as you push into his right pocket, your fingers scratching against a certain hardness that poked from the side of his thigh. He flicks his head to the side, his hum is a moan as he smiles mischievously.

You find the keys between the mess of candy wrappers, hairbands, and possibly condoms packets in his pocket—quickly stealing it before he could grab it from you. You unlock the car and push the keys between your breasts (as if he wouldn't try grabbing them.) Grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the passenger seat.

Shidou tries to pull you inside with him and it results in an unnecessary series of hand smacking and hushed curses from you. He giggles like a child, his hands reaching to his side—trying to unbuckle his seatbelt before his face gets squished between your fingers.

You swear that there are hearts in his eyes for a brief moment when you slam his head against the neck-rest as you glare at him.

"Stay," you growl.

On command, he stays still.

"High tolerance my ass. I can't decide if I should call you a child or a dog. Regardless of that, I might have to buy a leash on the way home."


"Shut it.

The drive back to the complex was...complex.

You went from trying to figure how to start and move this damn car to slapping his arm away from you.

He kept whining about his dick hurting so bad and how he would fuck you so good once you're "both at home." He rambled about how cold his toys feel and how all the pussy he is getting is never good enough. He also tried to fondle your chest and put his hand in your pants. You couldn't completely shake him off of you as you were too busy in the road and trying to operate a shitty sports car, so he ended up getting the privilege of touching your thigh.

Shidou was beyond happy about it. He pinched, squished, caressed, and played with the plush of your thigh until he dozed off in his seat.

Now you could be happy about not being bothered by his touches. But for some reason, you wanted him to bother you more. Unfortunately for you, he is dead asleep, and won't be waking up soon. Also, you have to drag him through his haze and drop him off at his apartment, so good luck with that.

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