2 Days Later

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I wake up to one of Owen's loud snores and hit my head against the ceiling. I establish where I am and what my surroundings are. I remember my dream and that I was hanging out with someone. I don't remember their face though. I turn around to see Noah shaking his head and I laugh to myself. I go back to sleep facing him this time.

When I wake up again, everybody heads to the main lodge to get breakfast. We don't have a challenge today so Trent, Noah, and I are going to explore the camp. At breakfast I sit in between them and ask "Where do you guys want to go first?"

"Probably the woods, we're definitely going to have a challenge in there at some point." says Trent. Noah nods and goes back into his book.

"What are you reading?" I ask him, as Trent dissolves into conversation with Gwen.

"Change of Heart." he responds.

"Sounds good." I say "What's it about?"

"You wouldn't like it." he says


~Time skip~

We're in the forest and we're kind of lost. Gwen came with us. Her and Trent have been talking for a while and eventually left me and Noah alone.

"So, how are you liking camp so far?" I ask

"I'm not."

"Have you made any friends?"


"What about me." I say, jokingly offended.

"We're not friends."

'Well then what are we?" I ask


I guess I was expecting more. I really like hanging out with him and I kind of wanted him to feel the same way. I guess he doesn't.

"We should head back to camp." He says

"Yeah." I say

~Time skip~

It's time for our second challenge and Chris wakes us up with his megaphone. I go outside to stand next to Eva, Noah stands next to Owen. 

"Morning, hope you slept well." says Chris

"Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather says

"I know." he responds "I hope you are all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute."

"Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen says

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your kilometer run around the lake."

"So you're funny now?" Eva says, trying to attack Chris but Duncan stops her. "You know what I would think be funny? You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"A little, you have 30 seconds" Chris says, directing us all to the starting line. "Okay, runners, on your marks, get set, go!"

I run most of the way, but start slowing down close to the finish line. After about 10 minutes in the lodge, Owen runs in carrying Noah.

"Clear a table, stat!" We back away from the table and Owen starts CPR on Noah.

"We made it!" says Leshawna

Harold walks in and he's the reason the Bass lost the challenge (yay!)

"Whoa there, hold your horses, guys, that wasn't the challenge." says Chris

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