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The day after Gwen won the Awake-a-Thon we have another challenge.

We're sitting in the lodge when Chris walks in and starts talking to the Killer Bass.

"Duncan, you look like death, dude."

"Stick it." Duncan replies

"Harold snored all night." clarifies Courtney

"Wow, four nights with no sleep? How much are you earning?" Chris asks

"You want to find out?" threatens Duncan

"No, no, it's cool, it's cool."

Then Harold walks in with a drawn-on mustache and sits down at table, we're all laughing at him especially Noah. I stare at him while he looks over at the Killer Bass' table. 

"So, anybody want to tell me how Harold grew that sweet 'stache so fast. I need tips." he says, turning back to his mush.

"I don't know. Maybe he used aftershave or something." Owen says enthusiastically

Noah just laughs at him but stops when Chris announces Gwen coming into the lodge. We all clap and cheer. She won us the challenge after all. Apparently Lindsay doesn't know that because she asks "Yay! Why are we clapping?"

"I'm so tired. I can't feel my face." Gwen says, lying her head down on the table. I can over hear some sort of conversation between Heather, Beth, and Lindsay when Heather suddenly stand up and yells over at the Bass "Hey, fish heads, way to kick out your strongest player, why don't you just give up now?"

Courtney gets so mad she slingshots some of her breakfast towards Heather but she side steps. "Missed me."

The mush hit Gwen and she looks super pissed. I think she's super cool and I really want to be friends with her. And my friends at school would totally idolize me if they thought I hooked up with her.

"Listen up, your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it." Chris says, interrupting my thoughts.

We all head to this dodgeball court we didn't see before and Chris introduces the challenge.

"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball, the first rule of dodgeball is..."

"Do not talk about dodgeball?" says Noah. Owen and I chuckle because it was actually pretty funny. Noah's a nice guy. I really want to get closer to him, more than I do with Gwen.

"As I was saying, if you get with the ball.." Chris continues and throws a ball at Courtney. It hits her. "You're out."

"You can't do that." says Courtney

"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court." continues Chris.

"Throwing balls, gee, another mentally challenging test." Noah says.

"I know right." says Lindsay

"Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit me." Chris says handing a ball to him. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball, but if the ball knocks out of your hands, you're out."

"So, what do we do again when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asks

"You dodge." Chris dodges the ball Geoff threw at him but it hits Lindsay. "Ooh, you were supposed to dodge. You have one minute 'til game time, go first, you'll have to sit one person out each game."

"Okay, we can't get lazy, the Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up, who wants to sit the first one out with Sleeping Beauty?"

"All right, I'll volunteer, now let's see you all keeners get on out there and dodge."

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