The Next Few Challenges

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[Author] I'm gonna fast forward through these challenges bc Cody doesn't talk much plus this a noco fic and Noah just got voted off. Anyhoo, back to the book

After Noah got voted I felt pretty listless. I know he was kind of mean but I enjoyed hanging out with him and I kind of thought we bonded. But, I'm here to make friends and maybe make friends with that hot goth girl. Gwen.

Our next challenge is a talent competition, I don't really have any talents so I just watch everybody else compete to get to the final three pick for the actual show. Gwen gets bored right after Owen burps the whole ass alphabet in one breath. I don't know how she could do that. She walks away to write in her journal. I follow her and try to maybe impress her. Later at the talent show Heather reads Gwen's diary out loud. I guess I though she liked me but I guess not because the journal says she likes guys who play guitar "I don't play guitar"

Later in bed, I'm staring at Noah's empty bed. I see Trent staring at Justin's empty bed. He got voted off today and I guess Trent really like hanging out with Justin, like how I hang out with Noah. I climb down off my bunk and head outside to sit on the porch of our little building. After a little bit Trent joins me and we see Heather screaming and running towards the water. We both laugh a little.

"So, are you missing Justin?" I ask

"Yeah. He was pretty cool and I guess I had a teeny crush on him." he replies

"Oh." I say "I thought you and Gwen had a thing."

"We do. And she's super cool. I just kind of liked Justin too."

"Cool." and we sit in silence for a few moments, before Trent asks

"So, did you and Noah have a thing?"

"What no." I splutter. "Why would you think that. I mean we're just friends. I mean-"

"Relax dude, it's ok." Trent reassures "I just see that you miss him."

"Yeah I guess." I reply "Anyways, we should head back inside."


Our next challenge is to spend a night in the forest, our team got terrorized by Izzy dressing up as a bear. I even peed my pants! But Katie, from the Killer Bass got voted off.

It's our sixth challenge and again not much happened. I'm still missing Noah. I've been daydreaming about talking to me. I was diffusing a time-bomb, under pressure, as part of the challenge and dreamed that Noah and I were kis-DOING TOTALLY PLATONIC THINGS. And that meant the bomb blew up and I got covered in garbage. I blacked out for a while and ended walking through the whole forest and even scaring Bridgette. Anyways, Tyler got voted out for not facing his fear of chickens even though I swear he did. I mean he bit off the head of a whole fried chicken.

I'm really devolving into a wreck of messy feelings right now. I don't even know why, I just know that Noah would really I decided to distract myself by hitting on Gwen. At first she strangled my when I wanted to boat across the Boney Island with her, but then she caved in. I try and ask her out on a date but she nails me in the balls with her paddle. I get the hint and even promise to get her in a boat with Trent on the ride back.

I get Trent and Gwen in the same boat on the way back and we vote for Izzy because she caused us to lose, but the RCMP chased her down causing her to escape down the Dock of Shame.

[593 words] Sorry for the relatively short chapter. I hope you liked it tho

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