Looming Threat

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(POV: You are Funshine Bear whom is currently in the Forest. You've just witnessed Share Bear's headless corpse nearby. And just recently,you've heard a familiar voice nearby.)
"Funshine...?" "Are you sure your okay?" "Come on. We have to find Grumpy,Cheer,and Wingnut. I'm really worried about them." Share Bear said. Funshine looked towards "Share Bear" and immediately he could tell that something wasn't right. But despite the feeling in his gut telling him otherwise and that this monster must be taking on Share Bear's form he decides to push forwards anyways. "Okay Share." "I'll look for Wingnut. You find Grumpy." Funshine says trying to remain calm during all of this despite how shaken up he currently is. He splits up with the fake Share Bear and heads off to find Wingnut. He is unsuccessful in finding Wingnut but he hears arguing nearby. He runs over to investigate to see what is going on in the forest currently. There are TWO Grumpy Bears now! This is getting out of hand and fast. How would he be able to tell which one was real...? He decided to start with some questions hoping it would be something that only Grumpy himself would remember. "...Hey,Grumpy? Grumpies?" "Can you tell me the name of your best friend that's a robot?" Funshine asks nervously awaiting a response from either of them. The second one answers him first confident in his answer. "His name is Wingnut,I would obviously remember that as the former mechanic in Care-A-Lot." The second Grumpy says knowing that he is correct. "Alright..." "And what's your answer,first Grumpy?" Funshine asks,awaiting the answer from the first Grumpy Bear. The first Grumpy is stumped and remains silent. Funshine,then believing he found the faker uses the Care Bear Stare to take out the first Grumpy Bear. But as the first Grumpy is killed and the blood starts to pool at the ground,he realizes he just killed the REAL Grumpy and not the monster that was in his form. Funshine is horrified and is trying to hold back tears as he speaks. "GRUMPY!" "No..." "This is awful-" "How could they just...?" Funshine says with a shaky voice now being on edge knowing that this monster could be anyone or anything that he holds dearly to his heart. He is forced to watch as the Fake Grumpy runs off to hunt down Wingnut. Determined to make sure that nobody else dies,he tries to catch up with the faker. He sees the FAKE Grumpy now holding Wingnut in his arms just up ahead. "H-Hey! You put Wingnut down right now!" "Wingnut,you've got to believe me,that's not the real Grumpy Bear!" Funshine called out to Wingnut hoping he would be able to get Wingnut to realize this before it would be too late. "Wingnut,don't fall for anything he says..." "Funshine has been scaring me lately. His attitude has become more angry and terrifying." "I think he's been the one killing off all of our friends." "Come with me and I'll keep you safe." The fake Grumpy was only saying this to get Wingnut's trust as he knew that it was more likely that Wingnut would side with him right now because Funshine's attitude at the moment HAD gotten the better of him at the moment from him being frustrated that he hasn't been able to do much in order to protect his best friends. Wingnut seems to believe the FAKE Grumpy Bear and decides to head off to find Cheer Bear with him. "W-Wait! No come back! Your making a horrible mistake!" Funshine yelled out in panic as he ran after them. He continued to follow after them eventually finding Wingnut,Cheer Bear,and the faker. "Cheer! Please,you've got to believe me!" "That's NOT the REAL GRUMPY!" "He's an impostor!" Funshine said hoping that Cheer Bear would take his side but once again the FAKE Grumpy Bear decided to convince her otherwise as well. "Cheer...I wouldn't trust Funshine. I saw him murder Share Bear in plain sight!" "What if he kills us too?" "But if you come with me,I promise us three will make it out alive!" The FAKE Grumpy says this to her to sound really convincing. "Cheer,Wingnut! Please don't go with them!" "Y-You got to side with me before it's too late!" Funshine says with a hint of desperation in his voice. But it was no use. Cheer Bear and Wingnut leave the Forest and return to Care-A-Lot with the FAKE Grumpy Bear. Funshine feels so helpless and defeated. But he won't let that stop him from trying to still go after them. Full sprint he dashed towards Care-A Lot in hopes of being able to save anyone he could. There,he had found the FAKE Grumpy Bear playing games and bonding with Wingnut. Why hadn't he harmed Wingnut yet...? And why did such a foul creature look genuinely happy in this moment? Funshine just didn't know what to do because his emotions at the time being were conflicted. But to protect Wingnut,he goes up to Wingnut speaking with him in one last attempt to get an answer to all of this. "Hey Wingnut..." "Buddy..." "Do you remember all of those fun times we had?" "Trying to stop Grizzle?" "And every time we saved Care-A-Lot?" Funshine asked Wingnut with some hope that he'd be able to convince Wingnut to side with him. Wingnut's eyes lit up and he nodded. So far,this was going well. "Alright..." "Now that you've answered that I'm going to ask one more thing." "Do you think that this is the REAL Grumpy Bear,Wingnut...?" Funshine asked,patiently awaiting the little robot's answer to him. Wingnut thinks for a moment and he shakes his head no. Despite having been fooled earlier,Wingnut thankfully can see the truth now. The FAKE Grumpy Bear even if he could have stopped Wingnut from answering earlier had not for whatever reason. [CONTINUED IN PART 3]

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