A Shift In Winds

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(POV: Your Funshine Bear. You just saw Daizee Dunde head off into the forest by himself after he'd accepted that Wingnut wouldn't forgive him. You are thinking maybe you should go check up on him.)
You are still with Wingnut and the others for now,but you start to worry about Daizee Dunde and if he's okay. You head off into the forest to check up on him from a distance. You see he is in a clearing. He seems to be in deep thought about something. Daizee Dunde looks sad for a moment. But then he seems to cheer up upon remembering something. Funshine decides to stay hidden and out of sight for now to try and figure out what Daizee Dunde is currently thinking about. After all Daizee Dunde has had a pretty sad and gloomy personality for the most part and he also seems shy to talk or interact with others from what he has observed from the past few days. Daizee Dunde seems to be trying to process an emotion that he appears to have remembered that exists. Though it seems he doesn't understand it. Funshine tries to process what emotion Daizee Dunde could be going through right now. Is it depression? Could he be depressed because Wingnut didn't want to be his friend anymore after all that happened? Was he angry with himself because he felt he just wasn't good enough to make friends with the others? Maybe he was confused,and didn't know exactly how to deal with everything at the current moment. There were so many possibilities that Funshine was thinking about that Daizee Dunde could be experiencing while he's by himself still. He thinks it may even be a mix of all of these emotions as well because it could also be very possible that Daizee Dunde had been going through a lot especially due to the high stress and memories from the past few days. He decides to approach him finally. He approaches Daizee Dunde,and he speaks up. "Daizee Dunde? Have you been doing okay? It seems like you have a lot on your mind right now." "Would you like to talk to me about it?" "It's okay if your not ready to talk about it though. I understand these past few days have been stressful and tiring for the both of us." Funshine says to him with a gentle smile. "O-Oh!" "Funshine,I didn't know you came here to find me" "But...I guess I should have expected that" "I had been gone for a few hours." "Sorry to worry you like that." "But...yes. I'd like to talk about it." Daizee Dunde replies sounding a little bit nervous. "So...what exactly has been on your mind? Anything at all that's worrying you?" "I'll be here to listen to whatever it is even if it is horrifying or traumatic or any kind of experience that we'd experienced a few days ago as I know it hasn't been the greatest with all of those events being piled on top of each other." Funshine says,taking Daizee Dunde's paw into his own to calm his nerves. "Well...it's just about Vastaeron." "...You know?" Daizee Dunde says as he looks into Funshine's eyes. "Vastaeron...?" Funshine questions as he looks puzzled. "I mean...the creature I was before I got my original form back thanks to your help and assistance." "I know they aren't dangerous anymore." "...But is it really okay to keep them a part of me? Do you think they'd be any different if they separated from me?" "They're still a monstrous creature in their own ways and we don't even know the full extent of his powers." Daizee Dunde explains,seeming worried. "Vastaeron...? You mean the one that murdered everyone before you were changed back,including the police?" "Well..." "I'm not sure. But I think it would be worth it to give everyone a chance. Even Vastaeron who used to be a pure cold hearted monster." "Maybe he doesn't have any emotion for a reason." "But we can figure that part out later if you want." "But I think we could calm Vastaeron down if he tried to go on a rampage again." Funshine says reassuringly as he holds Daizee Dunde's paw tightly. "Alright...I trust you." "I'll help you stop Vastaeron if he does separate from my body. To keep him from going on the same rampage." "Together,I think we could change him for the better." Daizee Dunde said seeming more happy than he was before. "Oh? Daizee,your mood seems to have gotten better now." "Is it because you don't have to worry about Vastaeron anymore? That things will be alright in the end now even if things do go wrong?" Funshine asks with glee. "Ah well..." "To be honest. Yes." "But there's something I wanted to tell you as well." "I've been thinking about it. And most of the time I'm usually sad or gloomy." Daizee Dunde says,using his singular wing to pull Funshine close to him. "Yeah...?" "Do...I make you happy Daizee Dunde?" Funshine asks with curiosity. "Yes..." "But it's so much more than that." "I love you too..." Daizee Dunde holds his paws in his own giving him a soft kiss as he blushes deeply. Funshine blushes just as deeply,seeming shocked. He asks,making sure he heard him correctly. "W-W-What?" "Can you repeat that again...?" Funshine asked this,looking into his eyes. And for the first time,he sees Daizee Dunde use his Belly Badge's power. The power of memory. Which reminds him of what he had told him. He had indeed heard it correctly. Daizee Dunde loves him. It takes him a moment to think before he finds a way to respond. "I...I think I love you too,Daizee Dunde." He says with a deep red blush as he cuddles up against him. "...Well I think we should get some rest for now,okay?" "You haven't rested for a few days and I think that would help." Daizee Dunde said,holding him in an embrace. Both of them soon fell asleep in each other's embrace enjoying one another's company. [CONTINUED IN PART 5]

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