We Need A Miracle

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(POV: You are Funshine Bear and you just got out of the Forest and you've returned to Care-A-Lot having found the FAKE Grumpy Bear & Wingnut together. By now you've already proven that they are a faker and you've gained Wingnut's trust.)
The FAKE Grumpy Bear looks upset and half hearted not even trying to act like the real one anymore before they speak having been utterly shattered once the truth had been revealed. "Your right. I never was and I never have been." "I'm just another unwanted freak of society." "Because I'm a total monster." He says this with his ears pointed downwards from the sadness he feels. The FAKE Grumpy Bear speaks again,this time revealing something. "And...the death of Oopsy?" "I...I'm not the smartest,you know?" "I was just eating leaves in the forest like usual." "And then..." "Oh god..." He said trying to fight back tears before running off into the Forest again. "W-Wait!!" "Come back!" Funshine called out as he ran after the creature that was still in Grumpy's form. But when he caught up to it,it was already impaled by a tree and bleeding out. But it didn't revert to its creature form. It looks to be a Care Bear that had been TURNED INTO the horrible monster that it had been. Only Grizzle could have been this evil to do something so horrible. Funshine is both horrified and trying not to feel sick with all of the death and murder he's seen today. But then he sees something that catches his eye. One of the feathers from its singular angelic looking wing was glowing. It was a feather that had fallen onto the ground. He picked it up and held it towards the air hoping for a miracle. Any miracle that would fix ALL of THIS. And suddenly. He sees himself back outside of the forest as if time had been rewinded before any of the murders had happened. Was this the miracle he needed all along? "W-Woah...!" "This is just...a few hours before the party." "I can..." "I can fix everything!" Funshine exclaimed. He became excited at the chance to be able to prevent his best friends deaths and to maybe even help that misunderstood Care Bear. This time he heads to the forest with much more confidence and he finds the strange creature once again eating leaves. And he speaks up. "Hey,new friend...?" "Do you want to come to Care-A-Lot with me to meet my friends? We'll be having a party!" Funshine says in his usually cheery demeanor as he gives the creature a gentle smile. The creature smiles back despite its unhinged jaw. It takes his paw in its hand and it allows itself to be lead to Care-A-Lot. Funshine leads the creature to the Care Bear House. He opens the door,and leads it in. The other Care Bears are extremely cautious and wary of the creature even whispering amongst one another as they talk about it. "Don't worry about them,they're just a little nervous to have a new friend here. That's all." Funshine says in a convincing manner to try and have his creature friend be at ease. The creature attempts to revert back to its Care Bear form but it cannot do so by itself. Funshine examines the feather and realizes it is still brimming with some power. He holds it up to the air again and he reverts Daizee Dunde back into his Care Bear form. As he does,the feather loses the rest of its power. "There!" "You feel any better now?" "I'm so glad your back to your original form before Grizzle had turned you into that monstrous creature against your own will." Funshine said to try and make his friend feel as welcome as possible. Daizee Dunde speaks softly to him,unsure how to feel after all that's happened. "I...I can't forget the memories,Funshine. Nothing can make me forget them. They're so vivid. And they won't go away." He says,feeling frightened from the memories of the past despite the timeline having been recently reset because of the feather. Soon,a Belly Badge appears on Daizee Dunde. It is a cloud with an ! Mark nearby it. It seems his Belly Badge power granted him the abilities to help people both forget and remember things. "I see..." "I'm sorry Daizee Dunde." "Even if I don't know how to help,we can still try and have fun,right?" "And look! You even got your Belly Badge just now!" "Isn't that great?" Funshine says with a gentle smile. "M-Maybe...?" "It feels like it's more of a curse than a blessing though considering the last memories everyone would have..." Daizee Dunde replies feeling a little bit timid. "How about we try to repair your bond with Wingnut? How does that sound?" Funshine asks Daizee Dunde,awaiting a response. "Well...it's worth a shot. But I'll be willing to accept any outcome even if it's a negative one." Daizee Dunde says this in a gentle voice. "Alright,I'll go find Wingnut! He should be around here somewhere." Funshine says as he starts to look for Wingnut so he can attempt to repair this friendship. Funshine soon finds Wingnut and he convinces him to talk with him and Daizee Dunde. "So...do you want to tell him,or should I?" Funshine asks Daizee Dunde wondering which of the two of them should explain all of this. "I...I guess I'll leave it to you,Funshine. I'm not the best at explaining things..." Daizee Dunde said in a worried voice. "Alright...I'll try my best to explain this to him Daizee Dunde." Funshine said trying to be optimistic as possible while attempting to mend this broken friendship. Funshine eventually explained what happened in the past to Wingnut and that despite what Daizee Dunde did that he meant no harm to him and the others. Wingnut,however doesn't take this very lightly and seems to be unforgiving. Despite that though,Daizee Dunde despite being sad has accepted the outcome. "Daizee Dunde,I don't think he's taking this all too well. Maybe he needs some time to think it over...?" Funshine suggested this to Daizee Dunde with a soft smile. "No,no...it's okay." "I...I think I'll just go home." Daizee Dunde said in a soft spoken and sad tone. "A-Are you sure?" "You wouldn't rather stay here for now? You know your always welcome here,right?" Funshine asks Daizee Dunde seeming to be worried about him. "Yea...I don't...feel so great." Daizee Dunde said before he started to head back off in the direction of the Forest. Eventually Daizee Dunde couldn't be seen anymore and had gone deep into the Forest. [CONTINUED IN PART 4]

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