|| Unseen Canvas Of Love

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Dear Diary,

Close your eyes
and let the canvas
of your dreams unfold before you!
-they have the power to transport us to another realm,
a realm where the ethereal concept of a dream girl resides.
What is this feeling that engulfs me?
Why does she occupy my thoughts?
Why is it her, and not anyone else?
Ahh , I'm tangled in a web of confusion.

I feel lost,
lost in a whirlwind of emotions...
unable to connect with the world around me.
It's as if I'm adrift in a sea of uncertainties, struggling to find my anchor.
It's time to halt these ruminations, to stop myself from diving deeper into this uncharted territory.

Three long weeks have passed since I last poured my thoughts onto these pages. The passage of time seems to blur together, as if I've been caught in a perpetual state of busyness or perhaps a lack of inspiration.
Okayy!! I've been either preoccupied or not in the mood to write in my diary.

But today, today demands my presence in this diary once more. So many things have happened, unfolded before my eyes.

Yes, Mishti, and Kunal engaged in their premarital courtship. After countless debates and battles of words, my mother, taking on the role of a judge, finally agreed, and Kunal reluctantly followed suit. I can't help but sense Kunal's lack of enthusiasm, his disinterest in the dates and formalities. It's disheartening. He always turns to me for guidance, and I, playing the part of a dutiful matchmaker, assist him as if I'm navigating my own courtship. It's frustrating, to say the least.

In moments like these, when my spirit feels low, I find solace in my secret hideout-the lakeside, a serene sanctuary that I can call my own. On that particular day, a yearning for my father gripped my heart, and I sought solace, a shoulder to lean on. And there, Mishti appeared, as if summoned by my unspoken need. She gently patted my shoulder, and in that fleeting instant, I couldn't resist the pull to embrace her, seeking solace in her presence. I offered an apology for my recent behaviour, and without a single word, she understood the depths of my emotions. I didn't disclose the reason for my melancholy, but her mere presence lifted my spirits. The night grew darker, and in an unexpected turn of events, we found ourselves engaged in a whimsical cycle race and a night filled with laughter laughter. I knew Mishti deliberately let me win, knowing well that I needed a momentary reprieve from my worries. Accompanying her back home, I mustered the courage to ask her to be my friend, and she graciously accepted. We are friends now, bonded by a shared connection. Hi-fi!!

However, Bade Papa caught a glimpse of our budding camaraderie from afar and later cautioned me to steer clear of her. I understand his concerns as a father, as it's only natural to be protective of one's daughter. There is nothing wrong with safeguarding their happiness.

Mishti expressed her desire to pursue a job, but my mother, my dear mother, intervened once again.I find it perplexing.
Why does my mother, who herself is a working woman, create hurdles in Mishti's aspirations? Somehow, Kunal managed to convince her, though the reasons elude me.

And then, in a twist of fate, Mishti unexpectedly joined my NGO, a place where I initially sought solace from her presence.
But fate had other plans; it wouldn't let me escape.
The feeling,...
oh, the feeling I can't fully grasp.
I'm left grappling with an indescribable feeling. Mishti's work ethic is remarkable, and I find myself unable to fill her shoes, offering feeble excuses instead. We have become confidants, sharing our own trials and tribulations, lending support to each other.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Yeah..ugg..Just close friends,
...sharing our deepest worries and supporting each other through thick and thin.
Yet, there is nothing more than friendship between us, or so I keep telling myself...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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