Chapter 24

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"Stop pouting and come on!" Calypso laughed, dragging Hecate along. The seal on the vampire's finger preventing any kind of resistance.

"I think my upset demeanor is warranted!"

"You say that like you didn't fall asleep first."

"If you wanted to make my night you could have woken me up. I'm sure sex would have been much more entertaining than a nap."

"You said naps were the best so I let you sleep."

Hecate groaned as she was dragged through the park. Since it was the weekend it was very crowded and hundreds of people were lined up for food and rides, but Calypso seemed to have her sights set on something.

"Wait... Why is the big one getting bigger?"

"Because we're heading towards it?"

"I swear to god-"

"This is the only coaster all day. If you make me ride small ones we're going on them over and over until the day is over."

"C-Cally don't you dare-"

"Don't be a pussy."

Hecate wanted to take the seal off her finger, unfortunately Calypso's hand was wrapped around that hand, holding the ring still and preventing her from removing it. All the while dragging the vampire around.

"Is the seal really necessary?"

"Are you going to run if I take it off?"

Hecate growled as a response getting Calypso to chuckle again. "I thought so."

Before long the two of them were waiting in line for the roller coaster with Calypso not releasing Hecate's hand for a moment.

"Can't we do something small first?" Hecate asked.

"You don't want to rip the band-aid off A-S-A-P?" Calypso asked. "I figured we'd get the thing you don't want to do out of the way first, then spend the rest of the day doing the things you like as thanks for doing my thing."

"Wait, really?"


"The whole day doing what I want?"

"Yeah. Just one roller coaster, then we can hang out by the pool, go on some kid rides, or even people watch if it suits your fancy. I think there's a restaurant here too if you'd rather just sit and eat. Thankfully you don't eat so it wouldn't be as expensive to get food. But Vanessa told me to bring Vanilla in case you wanted to try anything so I have that in my bag."

"Is that why they were asking you questions in the entrance que?"

"Yeah, they were very confused. But a quick google search confirmed my answer."

"They had to look it up?"

"Yeah. Even though the world knows about demons and stuff, they're not super common outside of Willow Creek. Thankfully a lot of students come from there, but even still. They googled it and got the same answer I gave them so now they know if someone else comes in with Vanilla Extract they know there's probably a vampire with them."

"I mean, I guess it's nice for them to learn." Hecate shrugged. "It's just weird that they'd let you bring it in."

"Yeah, it was nice. They also let me get away with the smoothie mix."

"Smoothie mix- you brought vampire smoothie mix here?"

"Yep. They don't serve it here so I figured you might want something later so it would be better to bring it. If you want it we just need a glass of water."

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