Chapter 4: Countdown

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After that conversation, I exchanged contact information with Kurogane and headed straight home. I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Even though only two hours had passed, it felt like an incredibly long and exhausting day, and that's how my Sunday ended. But that didn't mean it was over. There would be more days like this in the future, filled with uncertainty and fear. And that future wasn't too far away—it was looming just around the corner.

[September 28th,2025- 30 minutes back]


"That's right. On October 5th, which is next Sunday, we will commence our experiment, and the details of the experiment will be revealed during the seminar."

"Exactly one month after that email, huh," I muttered in a low voice.

"That's why I want you to open your schedule on that day because you need to attend the seminar, and you'll be testing our product. That's all I can say about it."

"What about the venue? Where should I go?"

Kurogane paused for a second recollecting his thoughts, then started speaking with a smile.

"Ah, regarding that matter, don't worry. I will send my men to pick you up, and of course, after the seminar, they will drop you back home," Kurogane said with assurance

"It almost sounds like you're asking for my consent before kidnapping me," I responded with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Hahaha, you really have a nice sense of humour," Kurogane said, laughing.

"Shut up(damare)," I replied instantly.

"Well then, I will see you again on next Sunday"

[present-september 28th, 2025-8:55 pm]

"October 5th, huh," I said to myself, lying on my bed.

I have a vague idea about the experiment based on what Kurogane had told me. First, there would be a group of people participating in the experiment besides me—well, that was obvious. Second, Kurogane mentioned something about testing their product, so fortunately, they weren't conducting any human experiments, That reduced one of my suspicions and We are going to be testing their product. And third...

"We can remember our dreams and control our actions, is that really possible?" I questioned myself.

We are In 2025, the things that seemed impossible 10 years ago are becoming true one after one. Science and technology are advancing day by day, and virtual reality (VR) is developing to the point where it can transform into reality. So, it's not strange if humans try to conquer dreams and turn them into reality. It is a possible thing.

If DLC* did indeed invent a product that enables us to conquer our dreams, I can understand why they are not making it public and why they are hiding it from the government and other companies. If word gets out, there would surely be individuals who would want to get their hands on that technology. Other companies might attempt to steal their data, potentially leading to a loss of their profits. If we consider the situation carefully, it is possible for such events to occur if they publicize their research.

[ Writer note-DLC-DreamLink Corporation]

But this is just my optimistic thinking. Perhaps there is another reason for them to keep this experiment hidden from the public. They might be planning something outrageous behind the scenes. We simply don't know what the future holds in store for us. Anything is possible.

I am a realist, and that's why I consider worst-case scenarios in this matter. If I know how to deal with them beforehand I can utilize the remaining time on thinking about what to do next. It's just the way I approach things usually and that's the kind of person I am.

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