Chapter 8: Project D.R.E.A.M

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"Thank you....thank you very much. Well then everyone, why don't we start the seminar for real"

I can't read him. Among the people I have met so far, he is the most unpredictable person ever.


(Nakabachi Hideo…)


Just who the hell are you?!


[Third person P.O.V]

*Door open*

Akiko entered the control room where a top view of the entire seminar could be seen through a large glass window. The room is dimly lit, and a young man is seated in front of his laptop illuminated by the glow of the screen.

"Ah, Akiko-chan♪, what's up—"


"Y-Yes sorry(scary)"

"As long as you understand."

"You really can change your character so easily, don't you, Akiko-San?"

"It's really tiring to keep up that act. I would rather be myself." Akiko let her hair down.

"Eeh, but I prefer the Yamamoto Akiko who acts all cute and innocent♪"

"Shut up."

Akiko approached him and crossed her arms, looking at the stage through the glass.

"Quite a show isn't it, Tanizaki"

"Yeah, you can say it again. No matter how many times I see it, I will never get bored of this"

{Tanizaki Shu, 21 years old. He gives off a casual aura by wearing a lousy t-shirt with shorts, he has headphones hanging around his neck. He is in charge of graphical editing, control room and security management of DLC.}

"Honestly, humans are very interesting," Akiko said.

"This makes it fifth time, by the way Akiko-San, is it okay for you to leave the stage?"

"My job is done and the rest of it can be handled by Nakabachi sensei on his own"

*Sign* Tanizaki signed

"Aa ah, there goes another 10 million yen, I can't believe professor Nakabachi really did it again"

"Why are you complaining?"

"It's 50 million yen! It's not even a joke. He threw 10 million for every session that happened in these two days! If you gave me that much I would skip work and enjoy the whole year!"

"You want to get fired or something?"

"Well, keeping it aside, if he is going to do it anyway, why can't he do it at the start? He has wasted a lot of time "

"Moron(baka) didn't I say earlier? To make this experiment succeed we require their trust and cooperation, doing that stunt right off the bat would just raise their suspicion."

"Yeah yeah"

"Well this is the last session *yawn* Finally I can get some rest"

Tanizaki became quiet all of a sudden, slowly his expression changed.


"Hmm? "

"I have been meaning to ask something from yesterday"

DreamScape: Survival of the SmartestNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ