Pyro's Confession

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"What!? Who do you like?" Pearl exclaimed excitedly. "Well, I'm not sure she'll feel the same way. I should've told her before. But I'm really shy," Pyro replied. "Pleeeease?" Pearl begged. Finn looked at him with an excited  expression. "UGH. Fine," Pyro said. He inhaled and exhaled about three times until he finally let it out. "I like... I like -" he started. Willow conforted him. "I like Willow," he stammered. He sat up and stiffened himself, closing his eyes nervously to wait for their reaction. Everyone was in shock, except for Willow. She had a slight smile on her face, but by the time Pyro unstiffened and opened his eyes, it had faded away. Oh, Pyro, I'm so, so sorry, but... I don't feel the same way. We can still be friends! I just think a relationship between us would be weird, I don't wanna ruin the relationship we already have between us," Willow said. Pyro nodded. "I understand. That makes sense," he said. "But, good news," Willow said. Pyro leaned in to listen. "I have a friend that I might like. If yall want to, we can go back to my house so I can introduce her. She lives with me, but she's always so busy. Maybe she's home? She's a Leafeon, just like me, but miscolored like Pearl. I won't go into it, but do yall wanna go?" Willow suggested. "Yeah!" Pyro exclaimed. Both Pearl and Finn agreed.
They walked through the forest to go to Willow's treehouse. She lived in a huge tree, which was hollowed out for the ladder. There was a huge balcony at the top just below the canopy that went all the way around the tree. On top of the leaves was a platform where one of Willow's other friends slept. They went inside, and hanging from the balcony were three rooms - one for Willow and the other two for her two friends that stayed with her. When they got up, they crossed the bridge that was labeled "Autumn's room" and walked into her room. There, laying on the bed, was the Leafeon that Willow had brought them here to meet.

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