Where's Pearl?

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They stayed beside her bed. Willow shook her awake. "Uh- huh!?" Autumn sat up, shocked. "Yeah.. I have some friends I would like you to meet," Willow started. "Oh. Okay then."
"Wait, I forgot your name. What was it?" Autumn said to Pearl. "It's Pearl," she said. "Oh. I think you would like one of Willow's other friends who also lives here," she said. "Follow me." And they crossed the bridge again and went to the  one to the left of her's. It was labeled "Sakura's room." They crossed the bridge and walked into her room. Nobody was there. "She might be on the platform above the canopy," Willow suggested. Finn, Pearl, and Pyro tilted their head, they didn't know why anyone would be up there, but they were about to find out. "Who is Sakura?" Asked Finn to Willow as they went up the ladder to the platform. "You'll see," she said. "Oh, there's also a pool up there if you're interested."Ooh, okay," Finn remarked. As soon Ad they went up, they saw an Espeon, asleep in the sunlight. There was a Sakura tree with shade underneath it. They went under the tree. "This time, we won't wake her up. When the gem on her forehead is exposed to sunlight, it builds up power, which makes her stronger because Espeon is also known as the Sun Pokémon." Willow commented. "That makes sense," said Pyro as he observed the strangley colored Espeon. "So that's Sakura?" Asked Finn. "Yep, and it looks like she's waking up," Autumn remarked. Sakura got up and stretched. She opened her eyes and turned around. She jumped as if a cat would when surprised. "Oh, my! Willow, you didn't tell me you would have friends over!" Sakura said. "But, of course, I don't mind." Finn sighed. "Good. We came here so Pyro could meet Autumn because he confessed to Willow." Sakura jumped up and down. "Oh, well, that's great!" "Hold up," Finn said. "Willow didn't feel the same way because she didn't want to ruin the friendship, so we brought him here to meet Autumn. "Oh, okay. That makes sense," Sakura said. "Wait- who are you?" Finn shuffled. "I'm Finn. The other Vaporeon is my sister, Pearl." Sakura looked confused. "What other Vaporeon?" Finn, Pyro, Autumn, and Willow all looked at each other. They rushed around the platform, looking for her. Then they went to the balcony underneath the canopy. She wasn't there. They looked everywhere for her, until they found her giving in the pool. She had melted into the water. "Why did you run off!?" Finn yelled. Pearl's expression saddened. "Well..."

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