The One

115 22 17

Dear Layla,

I was on my desk sketching lavenders,
as a reminder of our first encounter.

Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder,
but I didn't care to notice.

Until a mellifluous voice entered my ears,
I saw you standing there.
Maybe it was my illusion.

"Is this place taken" I couldn't believe my eyes until you breathed me back to reality. You gave me those beautiful smile of yours that made my blood rush. It was the first time I was nervous.

I nodded, as you sat beside me.

"I'm Layla" you said helding out your hand.

Ohh my dear Layla, if heaven had voice it must sound like you.

"I'm Jake" I said realising the whole class was staring at us.

I never shared my desk,

But Ohh Layla little do they know you are my exception for everything.

My lavender little do they know my heart belongs to you the moment our eyes met.

After i got home, i couldn't stop smiling. Rambling your thoughts in my mind.

The way you greeted fellow mates. The little gestures you did while talking with me .

The way you nervously played with your hands when the boy approached you,
I would have punched his face for doing that.

But i was surprised to see the way you mocked him. You are my vibrant lavender.

My mom could tell I was acting weird.

" Who is she?" she asked with a confident voice as if she could read my mind.

" Nobody" I said eating my dinner

I could tell she was staring at me " Ok, there's a girl in our class Layla, I don't know her much but she has a magic over me. I feel like she is..."

I couldn't find the right word.

"The one" she said.

I smiled knowing she can really read my mind. I hugged her kissing good night on her cheeks.

I couldn't sleep well thinking how will I pass the weekend without seeing you.

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