Tripping Stairs

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Dear Layla,

I was sick for past two days, it was normal cough.

I insisted my mother to let me attend school today.

She fairly knows the reason behind me being stubborn was to get a glimpse of you.

You are my cure Layla.

By the time I reached class you were already there.
I sat beside you greeting you good morning.

You said it back without paying attention.
Something was off about your voice today, it was shaky.

My heart throbbed when I got a glimpse of your hand that you were hiding. It had bruises as if someone hit you badly.

" What happened Layla?" I asked in shock.

"I tripped on stairs"

"Don't fool me Layla, I'm not a newbie."

You were playing with your hands and I could tell you were nervous.

I squeezed your hand gently.

"Who did this to you?" this time my voice was commanding yet assuring.

You turned towards me and when you looked into my eyes,
all I could see is your pale face as if it has lost all it's colours.
Your eyes were watery but it has lost all it's glimmer.

"My father likes his belt"

My eyes gave up everything when you said that and I couldn't process anything at that moment.

"Let's go" I said getting up from my seat giving you my hand.

"But where"

"Trust me" You were hesitant but you held my hand after a while.

We collected our stuffs and sneak through the back gate of our school.

"Where are we going?"

"Nowhere, suppose we are two homeless kids wandering around the streets savouring the breeze"

"Ok" You said smiling "Do you do this often?"

"Yes, I love exploring the town in my way"

We talked and laughed.
You blushed when our hands lingered while walking.

We played 21 questions.

"Your favorite color"


"Like the flowers"

"No, like the way you smell"

You smiled shyly and your cheeks turned red.

I held your hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Why did he... Your father did that? " I asked knowing it was the right time.

"My mom died giving birth to me and he blame me as her murderer. He beats me when he's drunk. Sometimes... sometimes he burns me with his cigarettes "

You started sobbing and hugged me as if I was your safe place from this cruel world.
I hugged you back knowing you are my world.

"It wasn't your fault, none of it was your fault " I said tugging your hair behind you ears. "Let's go before someone finds out, the school is about to get over"

You nodded and we walked towards school in silence.

"Thanks, for today"

"Let's do it another day with less risk"

"Are you asking me on a date?" You said that giggling.

"Yes lavender, I'm asking you on a date"

"See you soon then"

"See you"

And then we parted our ways

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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