The past

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Slant bold-nightmare writing
Lyrics used in this story are "I feel them watching all the way to "be able to move" they come from the song "not my responsibility by Billie Eilish.

Passive nightmare-writting in his note book the last page..he writes"I feel them watching,always,and nothing I do goes unseen so while I feel they're stares their disapproval or their sigh of relief.if I lived by them I'd never be able to move.".poor nightmare living thru years of bullying and disapproval of those who he had done nonthing to that  could hurt them...yet they had done so much to him even tho he has done no hurt to them before but they brought pain and hurt to him.out of the blue a reason was brought to his attention as to why this was happening,the title "Guardian of negativity""the one who lends nightmares" the oh so hatred word "nightmare" of witch was the name he was given by her who birthed him..How sad how sad how horrible how depressing...

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