The libary

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Nobody's pov-
As the gang stopped at the entrance of the library seeing it's good condition unlike the rest of the au they got curios and decided to take a look inside and see if they can find anything useful.
"Alright let's look around I'll go with horror and explore to the right"-dust
"Okay I will go with cross and we'll go to the left"-killer
"I'll go alone then I'll go to into the almost dark hallway and nightmare to the darkest hallway"-error
As the gang began to take their way nightmare was more than glad to take the darkest way because he knows that it is where he used to hang out everyday.

Nightmares pov-
I remember this library and hallway very clearly,it was the library I remembered as my safe place where I would read and draw and write on my journal..wait a minute THE JOURNAL!!.

Horror pov-
The library was pretty dusty the hallway we were going into had webs everywhere on the shelves and spiders and like I said a lot of dust minus the one next to me and dust were walking the hallway came to an end there wasn't much tbh.
"Hey horror check this book out"
Dust found a bright yellow and purple book,we grabbed each one I grabbed the purple on and dust grabbed the yellow one,these books were brighter and cleaner than the other ones and they both had initials on the cover.the purple one has NM.
Dust pov-
When I grabbed the yelllow book it had the initials DS
"Let's open them"-horror
"?....their empty?"-horror
*flipping thru pages trying to find something other than blank*-dust
"OH look"-dust
In the back of the last page in the book NM in said "only those who protect what they are will see past the pages of the book"
"What the hell does that mean?"-horror
"Not sure let's take this and show it to the others it's probably useful"-dust

Killers pov-
It was dark,and dusty and spidery,but so far nun and cross came to an end and just went back to the entrance since we found nothing interesting,Until we hear horror call out our names.

Error pov-
As I was walking into the dark hallway I heard a music box..i went to check out and when I came to the end of the hallway I saw exactly what I thought I would see,a music box except it had two small skeletons holding hands and spinning around?..and the music box was not like any other instead of playing small sounds like what you would hear in a music box,instead there was humming coming from the music box.
*error was hearing passive nightmare humming a small melody ^go to the video at the top^*
Back to error-
I closed the music box and brought it to the entrance since horror called out for everyone.
Nightmare pov-
I walked down the very dark hallway,when I reached the end I saw it...A small chair with a child's blanket on the floor and a pencil but..the journal was no where to be seen..I started to panic because I can't let anyone else see that journal.I then heard horror call out my name and the rest of the gang,I decided to bring the chair and blanket so that I'm not completely useless here.
No one's pov-
As everyone came to the entrance with something in their hands(except killer and cross)
"I found a child's blanket and a chair"-nightmare
*Nightmare put the 2 items down on the flood*
"Hm me and dust found 2 books one a bright yellow and another bright purple and they having initials on them"-horror
*horror and dust set the books down on the chair*
"DS?,NM? What does that stand for?"-killer
"Not sure"-dust
"Hmm I found a music box it was playing the sound of someone humming a melody,listen"-error
*error opens the music box and reveals the 2 small skeletons twirling around holding hands one yellow and one purple*
"That looks like dream but who's the other Skelton?"-horror
Nightmares pov-
...I..I remember this music box,it was a gift I gave to dream on our birthday..
"Brother! Good morning😁!!"dream
"Morning dear brother,Do you remember what today is?.."-nightmare
"Uhhhh OH RIGHT HOW COULD I FORGET hehehe!!Its our birthday!!Happy birthday brother:D!!"
"Hmm happy birthday to you too dear brother,before you take off come and sit next to me and rest your back on our mothers trunk I want to show you something"
*dream sat down next to his brother nightmare and watched as he took out a small gift wrapped in yellow with stars behined their mothers trunk*
"You are quick to guess brother,and you guessed correctly it is a gift to wish you a happy birthday"
*dream begins to unwrap the gift and reveals a small box with a yellow outline and the main part being purple with stars*
"Oooh what is it?"-dream
"Open the box"-nightmare
*as dream opens up the small star covers box it reveals 2 small skeletons and plays a small melody of someone humming*
"It's us dear brother the humming you hear is me:)"
" sound wonderful😲:)I can tell it's you heheh your voice is calm even when ur humming a melody:D and that's so cool i immediately recognized the 2 skeletons hahah:D thank you so much brother"
"Your welcome dear brother now off you go Im sure the villagers have gift awaiting for you☺️"
"But it's your birthday too nightmare and I completely forgot to get you a gift😢lets both go I'm not the only one who's gifts are waiting🥳"-dream
"Oh my dream do not worry about my gift,The gift I value most is the gift of having a brother,Now I don't have gifts from the villagers brother,it's only you😊."
Nobodys pov-
The whole gang listens to the melody all of them in awe once the melody stops they all look at nightmare since he's very stiff all of the sudden and his eyes are wide.
"Hey boss you okay?"-killer
Nightmare gave to response he just looked at the music box..then a tear fell from his eye
"Boss what's wrong why are you crying,hello?!"-cross
*error waves a hand across nightmares face and nightmare comes back to reality and looks shocked*
"Oh..sorry I must have spaced out"-nightmare
"Boss your crying?"-error
Nightmares pov-
I wiped the tear away as soon as error told me I was crying
"Dust must have got into my eyes not sure"-nightmare
I made up a random lie I can't let them find out it's me who's that small Skelton I've been keeping my past a secret away from my gang I can't let them see how pathetic I am I can't let them know I'm dreams brother.
*in my au nights gang does not know that dream is nightmares brother,since every time dream calls nightmare brother when trying to make a truce nightmare always tells his gang that he has no idea why dream calls him brother*
Part 4 coming will be in the making🥳🫶

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