0.3 : " BIRTHDAY BBY "

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0.3 : " BIRTHDAY BBY "


BENNY LEFT his house at 6:00 p.m a baggy dark patterned sweater hugging his figure. In his right hand he held the messily wrapped present meant for Billy, while the left one fiddled with his keys. He strolled slowly through the streets of Woodsboro, breathing in the autumn air. The boy would wave and smile as people called at him.

When the Mercer family first moved into town, they were very much isolated due to their foreign roots. But as years went by they integrated into the community like they were meant to be there. It helped that Benny's dad, Daniel Mercer, was a police officer and his mom, Cindy, was a well known political figure of California. Not to mention Benny also became close to the sons of the two most well known families of Woodsboro.

Benny smiled at the thought, rubbing his first fingers gently on the medium-sized, blue wrapped box. He was eternally glad that his two dorks decided to take a chance on him. He'd love them forever. Whether they were pain in the asses or not.

Speaking of pain in the asses, Benny raised a hand and shouted excitedly. "Billy, Stu!"

The pair who were stationed in front of the cinema turned to look at him immediately. Both were dressed better than usual, making them so handsome multiple girls were eyeing them up from where they stood. Benny was also more dazzling than usual with his eyes outlined in black liner and hair fluffed up with product.

Billy had opened his arms and easily welcomed Benny's figure in an embrace. He rocked them side to side for a moment, chuckling before the shorter one pulled back.

"We just saw each other a couple hours ago, Benny." Billy teased, discreetly checking out his friend from head to toe.

Benny rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "Happy birthday, Billy!" He cheered, pearly white teeth appearing between his lips touched with chapstick.

"Thanks, bud." The taller brunet hummed and brought his hand out to ruffle the other's fluffy curls.

Typically, Benny would have scolded him for messing up his painstakingly styled hair, but he was too eager to be mad. The teen shoved the present towards Billy, letting himself be dragged into Stu's arms as Billy slowly opened the gift. The boy was bouncing on his toes in excitement, so much so Stu had to hold him still.

"Jeez, babe. Calm down." Stu muttered into his ear, but Benny ignored him and barely heard a word he said.

Billy pulled out a very expensive leather jacket. It was tasteful and obviously well made. The teen looked at it in wonder, amazed. He's had a few leather jackets before but the quality was never so good. A genuine smile worked up his face and many of the people out in the streets were strucked by the sight. Never had they seen the brooding and mysterious Billy Loomis smile so brightly.

"There's more." Benny mentioned, his eyes filled with adoration as Billy slid on the jacket quickly before looking for the other gift.

The brunet stuck his hand into the box and pulled out two smaller boxes. One said Billy and the other said Stu. Billy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Stu cocked his head when Billy passed his box over. "You know it's not my birthday right?" The blond questioned only half-kidding.

Benny merely gestured for them to open it.

Once the pair opened their specific boxes, their eyes curved in delight. Benny had made them a bracelet each. Billy's was a deep red and black woven in a crossing pattern while two beads of each color rested at the end. In the center were three white letter beads that read 'B' 'B' and 'S'. Stu's was similar except the colors were a dark green and brown.

The shortest teen smiled happily at his best friend's silly stunned expressions. "Even if I'm a week early, happy 10 years." Benny announced and rubbed the back of his head shyly.

This action revealed his own matching bracelet. His was a dusty blue and gray, muted but all the more him.

"Ahh! You're so cute!" Stu immediately smotherered the other with his long limbs while screaming.

Benny burned red at the loud action that brought many stares to the trio. The boy made eye contact with Billy's smiling figure and used his expression to call for help. It seemed Billy was in a good mood as he patted Stu's back and told him to get off. Benny sighed in relief only to be swallowed by the Loomis boy's body.

"Thank you, Benny. Really." He whispered directly into Benny's ear. Then he let go and flicked the dangling earring playfully. "Let's go in, we're gonna miss the previews."

Benny's cheeks were dusted a light pink color, and maybe this time it wasn't because of the several eyes on them.


" OH MY god, the blood was wicked. It looked so real. I was scared shitless at least three times-" Benny was ranting eagerly about the movie they had just finished.

They were just walking out of the theater, Billy and Stu flanking either side of him each chipping their own comments on what they thought. The trio had an amazing time and planned to head over to Stu's house for a sleepover since it was getting late.

Both of Benny's parents were busy with his dad working overtime and his mom out of town. Billy was in the same boat so they all stumbled happily towards the oldest boy's car. It was way too far of a walk to the Machers so they already planned ahead.

They didn't have school tomorrow either because of some waver day so it made it all the better.

"There's a new science to it! Makes all the blood look way more realistic." Stu explained, swinging the back door open of his car to let Benny in before sliding in himself. "Corn syrup, I think."

Billy, beside him, nodded but didn't say much, only fiddling with his new favorite bracelet. He found himself doing it the whole time during the movie and even found himself grinning lightly just thinking about it.

An elbow meeting his shoulder made him look up. Billy rolled his eyes at Stu's wiggling brows and smirk.

What an idiot. Like he wasn't also touching the gift every chance he got.


JUST A few hours later the three boys were sprawled across Stu's sofa cushions. Halloween was playing on the screen but they were only half watching as the three of them dozed in and out of consciousness. This was already their third movie and the early morning hours were creeping in.

Stu snuggled into where his face was lodged into Billy's neck while Benny had his face shoved into his chest.

Really, the only one actually awake was Billy and his back was starting to ache at his uncomfortable posture. In annoyance, he bucked his head against Stu's, being that his arms were trapped under his two best friends. He whispered sharply, "Damn it, Stu. Wake up."

The other was mid-snore when the brunet's head came down to his once more causing Stu to choke and flutter his eyes open wildly. "What the hell...?" He coughed and rubbed his forehead.

"Come on. Help me move Benny, we're going to your room." Billy grumbled, shaking out his arm that once laid beneath Stu.

Stu nodded sleepily and stood. He slipped his arms around their smaller friend and picked him up. His hands were supporting Benny's bottom and head like the teen was a baby.

Billy made sure Benny's arms were locked around the blond's neck before giving the go to move. Stu didn't stumble once despite his tiredness, every movement was filled with care.

They made it to Stu's room with no accidents and the tallest boy laid the shortest gently on the middle of the bed. Billy laid on the right while Stu was on the left. They easily cuddled in, enjoying the way their best friend snuggled closer unconsciously.

Whether Benny said he loved them back or not, his body definitely had a certain answer. One that they enjoyed.

All three boys fell asleep with smiles painted on their faces.


red speaks!

Please ignore the last chapter being italicized. I'm trying to fix it but wattpad is being stupid :).

ALSO! look at those cutie beans!! Ship name suggestions?

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