0.7 : " TO BE UNCOMFY "

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0.7 : " TO BE UNCOMFY "


THE SILENCE was thick and suffocating. Benny could only shift his eyes about nervously and wait for Willow to speak. It was strange to think that just a few days ago, their conversations were similar to an ever flowing river. It seemed that the river was now dried and choked out.

The boy had just let his lips part to say something ( he doesn't know what, but anything was better than silence ) when Willow spoke up.

"So, why'd you lead me on?"

Maybe silence was better. Benny blinked slowly as he collected himself.

"Don't play stupid." Willow scoffed and placed a delicate hand to her forehead. She continued: "I want to know why you've been avoiding me like an asshole. Dodging my calls? Come on. Childish."

Benny took the scoldings with his head hung low and his bottom lip tight between his teeth.

"Say something, Benny." The words came out more like a sigh this time. Like she was tired and defeated.

He knows it shouldn't have, but the sound of her voice made Benny angry. Irrational thoughts flooded through his mind, and as someone with a typically nonexistent temper, the teen didn't know how to deal with it. She wasn't the one that got the call that threatened her life, nor was she the one aware she was being stalked. Benny's blood felt like it was on fire, and he couldn't help but snap.

"You have no clue what's happenin' in my life righ' now." His voice was fiery, but low. Benny could tell it shocked Willow with how wide her eyes went.

The shock was quickly replaced with anger. "Well, how would I know if you don't talk to me?!" She screamed, and the boy could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

Immediately, all the heat burning in his veins disappeared, and Benny deflated. With a sigh, Benny took Willow into his arms and let her cry into his sweater. Her shoulders shook, and muffled sobs filled the once explosive air. Benny allowed himself a moment of weakness and leaned his face into her hair.

He inhaled the faint strawberry scent before slowly peeling away. Benny took the girl's face into his hands and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Willow. Really." Benny started and leaned his forehead on hers. "But we can't see each other anymore. It's for the best."

Benny left her with a soft kiss on her head, not aware of the danger that lurked just around the corner.

THAT NIGHT Benny arrived home exhausted. With a heavy sigh, the boy tossed down his backpack and slunk into the living room lazily. He paused once he caught sight of his father in the middle of slinging on his police issued coat. They made an awkward amount of eye contact before Daniel Mercer broke the silence with a small cough.

"Benjamin, uh, how was school?" The question was hesitant and nervous.

It's probably been about a week since Benny had even heard from one of his parents besides a small phone call here and there. It wasn't unusual pre se, as both his parents have important jobs. Plus, Benny was nearly seventeen. He could take care of himself.

Benny tried his best to smile despite the thick awkwardness in the air. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his dad's torso. The boy cuddled into the warmness. He missed the man to be completely honest. Benny tried to ignore the sting in his heart when Daniel pulled away with a grimace, not even a minute later.

"Sorry, bud," the man started and gave a clumsy smile, "Duty calls. I'm working overtime, and I'll probably sleep at the station. Uhm, sweet dreams? Yeah, uh, bye, kid."

With one final stuttered farewell, his dad disappeared through the front door. Benny was left with just the view of his dad's back and an empty home.

Benny closed his eyes and slumped like the world was balancing just on his thin shoulders.

It was strange how relationships changed over time. Similar to how his and Willow's relationship fell apart, his and his parents' one was also coming to a stuttering end. When Benny was a child, his parents were home a lot more often to raise him. It was only when he started to get older and become more independent that they started prioritizing their careers.

By all means, Benny is overjoyed for them. But, he just wished they were home more often or perhaps just said more than a few words to him weekly. It made him feel guilty because they had already sacrificed so much for him, but he just….couldn't help it.

Perhaps all relationships were bound to come to an end. Really, the only steady constants Benny has had in his life were…Billy and Stu. No matter what, they were by his side and vice versa. Benny remembers Billy stayed over at his house for days when his mom left. They would cry together, laugh together, just soaking in each other's warmth.

Stu was always an open book, but even the class clown had hardships. His parents work a lot, similar to Benny's, so the blond's typically left home alone. Parties can only stave off so much loneliness. So, Benny would sleep beside Stu just so he felt he had someone to turn to.

Billy, Benny, and Stu completed each other. They fought away each other's demons fearlessly. It seemed like nothing could tear them apart.

Benny already felt the smile blooming on his lips. A dusty pink blush was growing on his cheeks when he thought of Stu's dimpled grin and Billy's sparkling eyes. He fell on the sofa with a giggle, lifting his cool fingers up to calm his flush.

THE PHONE ringing sent Benny gasping into consciousness from where he fell asleep on the sofa. The boy stood on shaky legs and stumbled to the kitchen. Naps always made Benny feel like he was in another dimension, so his head was incredibly blank when he picked up the phone.

"Hello…?" The teen trailed, voice groggy with sleep.

"Good morning, Benny. Have a nice nap?"

The tired haze was immediately gone once the familiar voice met his ear. Benny snapped his eyes around wildly. He ducked into the small open space between the kitchen counter and the wall. He sucked in a deep breath to calm himself.

"No need to hide, darling." The stalker chuckled, sending a shiver down the boy's spine.

"What do you want?" Benny hissed. His knuckles were turning white with how tight he was gripping the plastic phone.

"Tsk. You're quite demanding for someone who…. broke the rules."

Benny cringed, shutting his eyes tightly. He attempted to lie, trying to sound casual: "I don' know what you're talkin' 'bout."

"Liar." The word was whispered and faint, but it still had Benny silently cursing.

"What are you…?" The boy trailed off.

"Speak up, darling."

Benny bit his lip so hard it began to bleed. "What are you going to do?" His voice was strong, but there was an undeniable fear in his voice.

"Well, you broke the rules. So you get punished."

Was he going to kill him? Was he going to kill Willow? His parents? His friends…Billy or Stu? Benny whimpered at just the thought of either of them being wheeled away in a body bag. Tears welled up in his brown eyes, turning them red and miserable.

"Please–" He pleaded desperately.

"Sorry, baby. Your actions have consequences," he paused before continuing, "keep that in mind."

Then, the call was dropped. Benny could only curl up into a ball and sob. This time, he didn't call Billy or Stu. He deserved this misery. He broke the rules.

Benny spent the night alone crying and wondering who would repent for his mistake.

red speaks!

Love me a little agnst~ <

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