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BILLY REACHED out and caught his best friend's falling body easily. The weight was light as he carefully moved the slumped body to rest on Stu's double bed. There, he gently arranged the boy's limbs into a pleasant position. At least Benny could be comfortable until Stu went up to grab him.

The murderer pulled his mask back and stared down at the boy's still body. An almost silent sigh escaped Billy as he crouched down. Self-indulgence was a wretched thing as the brunet extended his hand to softly caress the soft skin of Benny's face.

Billy let his lean fingers brush up and down the expanse of sun-kissed flesh. He imagined what it would look like bathed in blood and hummed out a breathy sound. Not his own blood, no. Billy's blood. Stu's blood. Just the thought made the brunet clench the knife tightly in his fist, knuckles turning white.

Abruptly, Billy shot up from his position and slid down the Ghostface mask.

He had people to kill. A wicked smile lifted at his pink lips at the thought of Tatum's lifeless body strewn on the garage floor. There were far too many times where he had imagined her gutted or slashed. Most of the fantasies came after Stu had spent a bit too much time with her. It was the same feeling that threatened to boil over when he caught sight of Benny smiling at that slut, Willow Pierson.

The grin got even wider as he remembered the girl was also present at the party. Billy could only thank Stu's quick thinking. He'd kiss him later for giving him a chance to slit her throat.

Jealousy was a vile emotion.

Billy sent one final glance at his boy's unconscious body. He whispered gently, "Don't worry, bub. It's gonna be fun."

Then he was gone.

STU MACHER didn't seem like a violent guy. Especially not a guy who'd wind up being a serial murderer. But Stu himself always knew there was something darker hiding behind the bright smile he put on. It came in waves, crazed thoughts and dark ideas would appear out of nowhere. It was simply just the right time, right person, and right opportunity when Billy came up to him and asked if he wanted to kill someone.

At first the desire was small, but there. He could go on his entire life just ignoring it, floating on by with just unfulfilled dreams. Now, the feeling had become an obsession; to kill, to maim, to gut.

His partner once asked if he had a motive. Billy sure did, but what was his? Stu didn't have one and maybe that's what made him all the more terrifying. Perhaps the only time he had one was when jealousy came into the mix. When the blond was met face to face with Sidney, the ache to see her blood was overwhelmed. When Willow came into the picture it took all of his willpower to not kill her in cold blood.

One might say that was insane, but to Stu, that was love. To kill for someone is to commit the greatest sin of all just to ensure the person you cherish remains by your side.

Or maybe he was just sick in the head.

But if Stu was sick, so be it. This was all he could think as he stepped into his bedroom and saw Benny. The boy was lying unconscious; like Snow White, beautiful and mystifying. Stu just wanted to reach out and touch. So he did.

His hand traced from the top of Benny's clean forehead to the bump of his soft chin. The fire that ignited in Stu was nowhere near the one he had when he killed. No, this was infinitely better.

The sigh that escaped the blond lips was almost solemn as he thought about going back out to their slaughter party. Murder schemes were fun, but he doesn't think anything could beat a quiet night with his best friends.

Still the show must go on.

Stu slipped a zip tie from his pocket and gently wound it around Benny's wrists. He was careful to ensure it wasn't too tight, but didn't allow for much wiggle room. Billy and Stu just needed him to be safe and not interfere.

The tall teen easily lifted the boy into a bridal carry, smiling when he saw the other's peaceful face.

Stu would place Benny in the dining room, the easiest place to get to once their plan was completed. Once he set the boy down, it was showtime.

Stu cackled.

A HEADACHE beat ruthlessly against Benny's skull. The pounding sensation was merciless and constant. The boy's eyelids felt heavy and unable to lift to reveal his pretty brown eyes. The only thing he could do was listen, but even the sound seemed too loud and overbearing.

Benny could just make out Billy's voice and Stu's laughter. Usually he'd smile just hearing the melodic sounds, but something was different. Their tones were darker, manic even. It scratched the boy's brain in all the wrong ways.

Strangely, the teen wasn't scared or even nervous. Despite his hands feeling bound together and his eyes unable to pry themselves apart yet, he felt no danger. Billy's voice was vile with evil intentions as he threatened someone (Sidney, maybe?). If his ears were working right. But, Benny could only hear the pain, the hurt, and his desperation.

Something about those emotions settled deeply into Benny's heart and he just wanted to tear from his binds and reach out. He wanted to hold, to cradle, his best friend in a way he's never thought about doing before. The boy realized he would do anything just to see Billy smile.

Only this thought was able to get Benny to fight to open his eyes. He needed to make sure his boys were okay. That they were safe because just the sound of Stu's biting words made the teen want to jump out from his own skin.

Light peeked in through the darkness with a sting, but it only made him fight harder. Benny finally got them open even if it was just a centimeter. Everything was blurry and messy. Black shadows lined his vision and the sudden appearance of so much light made his head pound even harder. Yet, it was still better than sitting in complete darkness.

The first thing Benny saw was red. He was sitting in the dining room off the kitchen. Standing by the island, cornering an obviously wrecked Sidney, was Billy splattered thickly in blood. Stu was also spotted in the crimson liquid, leaning heavily against their brunet friend's back. Blood slathered the floors, the walls, everywhere.

Benny had never hated the color red more than in that moment.

His mind was hysteric with thoughts. Were his boys hurt? Is that their blood? Why does Billy have a knife? Are they hurting Sidney? Is that a gun on the–?

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a figure sneaking closer to the kitchen. Inch by inch they moved and a hand slowly slipped out from the darkness towards the gun. Alarms rang in Benny's head and the words flew from his mouth before he could think them through completely.

"Stu, Billy! Behind you!" The sound was hoarse and guttural, rough against his delicate throat.

It happened in a matter of seconds. The two boys whipped their heads back to see the sneaking person flinch away. Stu was quick with his exceedingly long strides. In a moment the gun was in his hand and he shot.


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