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I'll be making adjustments later once the whole book is finished to edit out the cringey outdated parts.

I'll be making adjustments later once the whole book is finished to edit out the cringey outdated parts

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Y/n Pov:

RING RING RING! I slam my right arm on my nightstand trying to hit my phone alarm. I finally felt the square shape device and picked it up, I looked at the screen seeing the time and the two options to either turn it off, or snooze it.

As bad as I wanted to I pressed turn off and sat up from my position. I stretch my arms out with big yawn. If I get ready early I can stop by the convinces store on the way to school. I rushed out my bed and got into my uniform went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

DING! Was heard from my bedroom, I walked toward my room with my toothbrush in my mouth and my hand under catching the saliva.

Pretty Vampire 🧛‍♀️

Yeah Goodnight!
Seen at 12:35am

Did you do the jp hw?

Yeah why?

I need it

Okay come to my house
Pretty Vampire 🧛‍♀️ liked your message

A groan came out of my mouth while I put my phone down. He couldn't have said good morning? I roll my eyes then continue on my routine. I add My face cream, then grab my makeup bag from under my bathroom sink. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!.

"COMING!" I rush to the front door to be faced with such a pretty one. I open the door to a see long dark haired male and a blonde one too. I didn't know he was coming too. "Hey Chifuyu I didn't know you were coming over too!" I said while giving him a hug.

"Mm me neither not until like two minutes ago." He replied hugging me back. "Okay cool, now can I copy your homework now Y/n." The long haired man spoke. No hello again. I nod my head and went to my room the grab my bag.

I grab it then walk back into the living to see Chifuyu in the kitchen drinking water and Keisuke with his wide man spread sitting down. I throw the bag at him and walk back into the bathroom to finish. I look at the time and see it's almost time to go. I hurry and do my hair into (f/s)'favorite style'. Then grabbing my mascara and phone and rushing to the living room.

"Come one time to go." I told the two while grabbing my bag. They both grabbed their stuff and started to walk out the door. I closed the door behind Chifuyu to lock it, I turned around and started walking. "Well I'll see you guys at school." I spoke turning a different direction as them.

Keisuke doesn't like us being together in public, I think he's just shy. He ignores me when he sees me anywhere else then our apartment complex. I really hope he asks me to the winter dance! As I walk towards the convenience store I grab my phone out of my school bag to check the time. 6:35 it read. As I was walking I bumped into something.

I quickly look up to see tall man, "I'm so sorry! I should've been looking!" I apologized with lots of bows. He smiled at me, he was around 6'0+(182.88+) his hair was formed into a triangle with a lot of gel, a piece of his hair was blonde while the rest of it was dark brown. His large hand moved to my head then he patted it. "It's alright, just watch where you're going next time yeah?" He spoke his voice so nice.

I aggressively nodded and bowed again. "I'm sorry again sir." I said. His large hand came to shake mine and I saw a tattoo SIN. I shook it and quickly walked away, THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!! HOW COULD I RUN INTO A HOT GUY AND JUST RUN AWAY. I arrive at the convenience store and grabbed some snacks for cleaning duty crew tonight.

I walk up to the counter to pay I put the items on the counter and while the lady is scanning somebody comes in. His hair was really messy like he just woke up, his long blonde hair looked all tangled up. His eyes were puffy and he was still in his pjs. "Excuse me yawn do you have any milk here?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.

The cashier pointed him to the product while I payed for my things. I grab the bag 6:50 the clock read. "HOLY CRAP IM GOING TO BE LATE!" I quietly yell, I sprint out the convenience store and start running toward school. I got stuck at a traffic light standing the waiting for the walking sign to pop up. "Come on light I got places to be!" I say bouncing my knee.

The light turned and I ran, I ran as fast as I can, I see the school showing up into view. As I run with all my strength I stop. Stop right in my tracks, the sight infront of me was like no other. His arm wrapped around a girl. Her long silky light brown under his muscular arm. What is this? That's not Kei right? That can't be. I quickly walk into the gate and oh boy. It was Kei, and he's with the my worst enemy.

                                Sakura Hana                                          14                                      🇯🇵/🇻🇳"Why would I be friends with someone who's uglier then me? All my bitches a 10

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                                Sakura Hana
"Why would I be friends with someone who's uglier then me? All my bitches a 10."

I groan with frustration, I storm past them as soon as I pass the two lover birds the bell rang. I sped up my pace to get to class as fast as I can.  I run into class and quickly find my seat, thank the lord my teacher wasn't in here yet.  As I sit down I see a boy looking at me through the corner of my eye.  I guess that means he probably won't ask me. I drop my head into my hand and just sit there looking ahead in disappointment. "Okay good morning class, let's get started. Everyone open to page 103."

The class went by pretty quickly, like time wanted me to see Hana and Kei all lovey dovey. I quickly pack up and as I get up, "Miss L/n Would you mind showing a new student around during lunch?" I'll take any opportunity to not see those two. "Of course! Tell them to meet me here at lunch." I said looking at my teacher. "Okay! I'll be here as soon as we get freed." A voice behind me was heard. I look to see the boy from earlier.

Word count: 1111

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Word count: 1111


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