1. AC: Chapter 15

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1. ACChapter 15

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The police and the Damage Control Department were on the OSCORP building and on their way to where the heroes fought the Green Goblin and Carnage, these would be just any normal superhero aftermath if it wasn't because of the fact that the Prince of Persia was with them which could lead to him getting arrested after his sentence of probation given by the jury during his trial.

"Here, let me take you out of here" – said Peter container with the frozen symbiote to Venom – "don't eat it" – he added before turning to his boyfriend

"Peter, it's fine" – said Arash while his helmet materialized over his head

"No, it's not, here, jump on my arms, I will get you out" – insisted Peter

"Peter for real" – said Arash

"But what he can do that will help him get out of here quick enough without being see by the authorities, get arrested and being thrown in The Raft or somewhere else very far way and disclosure from everything and everybody? I just-" – started to ramble Peter when suddenly other boy turned invisible – "wow...wait, weren't you tired with your powers and all?" – He asked surprised

"I am, but Shuri gave this suit the ability of turning invisible to reminiscent of my powers because she wanted to help me not get overwhelmed with the use of my powers and give some rest to at least one of them" – explained Arash

"Oh...I see" – said Peter – "why didn't you just told me?" – He asked

"Because you didn't let me" – said Arash

"You should have let him speak" – said Farah with a smirk

"Everybody, freeze!" – called the authorities entering the laboratory

"What the hell happened in here?" – Asked Jimmy Woo stepping up from the authorities and even the DCD

"We stopped a far-gone Harry Osborn and his accomplice" – said Felicia pointing at both males on the floor

"Isn't that Cletus Kassidy? He was reported missing from Ryker's Island Prision" – pointed out Jimmy

"We actually don't know how he became Osborn accomplice, but he took a part of our friend to experiment and create a different symbiote" – explained Peter pointing at the black alien and the container on his hands

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