Chapter 1

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Ugh. Another boring day at Hexside. Nothing exciting ever happens around here… The last exciting thing to happen was that human enrolling. School had been in for four whole months, and it's all been so dull. Everyday I do the same things in all my classes, see the same people, walk the same crowded halls. I needed something new.

I grouch some more to myself about this unlively year as I enter my 4th-period potions class. I have no friends in this class. I kind of just sit in the corner of the room most of the time, quietly doing my work.

"Good afternoon, class." My professor says, sounding a bit more excited today than in the past classes. She took attendance quickly as if she was in a rush to tell us something.

"Alright, I have two things we must get to today. Firstly, we have a new seating chart." She said as she projected the new seating chart onto the chalkboard. The whole class groaned in unison.

Uh oh. I have to sit next to Boscha, the captain of the Banshees. Everyone hates her, except for her "friends". It's debatable if they're friends or minions, though. The only good thing I'd ever heard about her is how great she is at grudgby.

As I approached the table we were sitting at, I could see and hear that she was obnoxiously chewing bubblegum, forming it into bubbles from time to time. She had a pink varsity jacket wrapped around her waist and her hair was tied back in a bun. Her hair was a pinkish magenta color and her eyes were a dull blue-grey.

Although I'm a bit afraid to be sitting next to her, I still do it. But only because I have to. As I sit, Boscha gives me a nasty side-eye. She's notorious for being a huge bully to less popular people. I try to ignore her, not wanting her to give me a swirly after class or something. 

She soon turned her attention to the teacher, who began speaking about the next part of the class today. I followed suit.

"Alright class, with your new table partner, you're going to be doing a project on the potions we've gone over this semester. The details will be on a paper that I will hand out in a moment." The whole class groans louder than before, this being a fairly big project.

However, the most bothered person in the room seemed to be Boscha. She stood up, raising her hand high and speaking loud and confidently.

"Um, ma'am, can I have a new partner?" She sounds and looks annoyed. Her face was all scrunched up as if I was the weirdest person in this school. I stared up at her, very offended by her rude gesture as she stared down the teacher aggressively.

"No. You must work with your table partner." Boscha sat down, rolled her eyes, and scoffed. I continued to look at her as the teacher talked, considering how disrespectful her words were.

She looked over at me and whispered in a somehow ruder tone than before. "What are you looking at, weirdo?" She sounded almost as if she's trying to challenge me, or something. I quickly turn away, not wanting things to escalate.

Boscha's P.O.V 

Ugh. I have to sit by a total loser? And I have to do my project with her? I'm glad I don't have any friends in this class because if I did, my social life would be ruined.

She kept looking at me, looking all offended. "What are you looking at, weirdo?" I questioned, hopefully intimidating her. She looked away, so I assume it worked

The teacher kept on talking, and she mentioned that this project is worth half of our grade for the semester. I can't believe this! I have to do this stupid project with this stupid weird girl for like, a two weeks that's worth HALF of my grade!

The teacher finally stopped talking and passed out the info sheets, so we had to get to work. She looks at me with an awkward look, so I strike her back with an aggravated one. She began to speak after our silence.

"Uh, Hi. My name is Y/N." she said slowly. I looked at her with an even more aggravated look. I honestly didn't care what her name was. I knew she already knew my name, so I didn't bother to introduce myself.

"Okay, Y/N," I responded in an almost mocking tone. "Don't get in the way of this. While you're at it, scoot over. I don't want to be seen with you. Just let me work. I don't want your help." 

Your P.O.V

Wow. She was a whole lot ruder than I thought she'd be. I scooted back, knowing she'd probably get even meaner if I didn't. I watched as she started writing and continued to loudly chew her bubblegum. After a while, she started to look super frustrated.

She mumbled quietly to herself "Ugh! This is so much work.." It was evident she thought I didn't hear her. I found her remark super ironic since she wanted no help. A smug smile painted my face before I spoke.

"Hmm, seems like someone could use some help." I don't know why I said that. I knew it'd just piss her off, but it felt like it was the right thing to do. Maybe it would humble her a bit. She looked up from the page, looking pissed as I had predicted. 

"Um, excuse me? Who do you think you are? I told you earlier, I'm fine without your help, loser." This snappy reaction caused me to shift back in my seat, backing off. She blew me off and continued to work.

She kept working until the bell went off. As soon as it did, she grabbed the project and speed walked out of there. She's good at making it obvious that she doesn't wanna be around me.

"Hm." I mumbled to myself as I walked out of the class. I was on my way to lunch, and I was beyond excited to tell my best friend about this new development in my life.

I stood in line for lunch for a bit, then I ran over to my usual table. I sit and greet my best friend. "Alex, you're never gonna believe what just happened." he looks at me curiously as he pushes over his apple blood box. He gave me his box every day since he didn't like it.

"Uhh…" he said while he thought. "Yeah, I don't know. Tell me." I put a straw in my apple blood box, take a sip, and hide my face in my hands.

"I have to do my potions project with Boscha." I mumbled, sounding defeated. Alex's eyes widened when I looked up from my hands and his glasses slid down his face. He slowly chuckled as he pushed his glasses back up.

"Oh, Titan dude. Please tell me you're joking." I shook my head no and the look on his face let me know that I was so fucked. "Well, say goodbye to being considered normal ever again." He said nonchalantly. I sighed, knowing he's right.

"Dude, people always said she was a bitch, but she is a BITCH. She is so much worse than people make out. And she's like, kind of annoying. She was very loudly chewing gum the whole time." I said. He nodded, agreeing with my statement.

"I know. She's something else. One day I was walking to class with my buddy Edric, and she was just screaming at this random girl. That girl didn't even do anything…" 

Yikes. That's not good. I guess the next few weeks are gonna suck for my reputation.

People Say She's Bad (Boscha X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now