Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V.

Another... fine day at Hexside. I didn't quite feel like it would be boring after how interesting this week had been so far. I saw my new friends Willow and Gus in the halls and they waved at me. Thank the Titan they don't think I'm weird or anything.

I walked to class like every other day, almost dreading it. The way Boscha treated me like I was nonexistent, the way she chewed her stupid bubblegum.. It was not something I looked forward to. I arrived, sat, and watched the door. I was looking ooking at the other kids entering the class.

Boscha's P.O.V.

Today I had to make sure I was on the mark. No forgetting my notes or something silly like that. Today I'm seriously trying to focus, so I'm going to bring my headphones. Just so I don't get distracted. I popped a piece of bubblegum in my mouth as I arrived at class.

That girl was watching the door as if she was waiting for me to arrive. Weird. I sat down swiftly, not trying to waste anymore time. I really needed to get to work today if I wanted to finish this in time. I put in my headphones and turned on my playlist.

I wrote frantically. My leg was unintentionally shaking. This project was a whole lot bigger than I initially thought. Is it even possible to do this alone? I really hope so. I am NOT talking to that girl. That would be really embarrassing for me.

Similarly to the past couple of days, I could feel her eyes watching me write. It was a feeling I didn't like. It felt so weird for some reason. I've always loved being in the spotlight. I'm not sure why it suddenly felt.. bad? It almost felt like I was being judged. Whatever. It's probably not a big deal. I turned my headphones up to drown out my thoughts.

Your P.O.V.

The idea that she still thought she could do this project all alone was amusing. There's no way she actually thought that, right? It's as if she could hear my thoughts, because she turned her music up. Titan, if she turned it up any louder, the whole class would be able to hear it. Thankfully for her very large ego, I was the only one close enough to hear it.

The tune sounded strangely familiar. I definitely knew this song... then it hit me. Was she listening to Diet Apple Blood by Lana Spell Rey? There's no way.. I've never met another Lana stan. She was so indie! So underground! I actually can't believe this.

I questioned if I should say anything or not. She would probably bully me.. But this might be a chance to befriend another Lana stan. A wide smile cracked across my face. "Hmm.. Didn't know you were into Lana Spell Rey."

She turned to me swiftly and I saw her give a light smile for the first time. Her eyes even softened up from their usual aggressive and intimidating appearance. Didn't know she could do that!

"Oh. Yeah." She said in a nicer tone than usual. However, she looked away for a second. When she looked back, her smile was gone. Her gaze and voice were hard and aggressive once again.

"Um, how'd you know, weirdo?" The 'weirdo' in that sentence sounded almost forced. Like she didn't want to say it. I didn't put a whole lot of thought into the forced tone at the moment. I pointed to my ears, signaling to her headphones.

"Your headphones are pretty loud." I said. She looked back down at the paper, seeming embarrassed. She turned her headphones down to where only she could hear the music. It's kind of a shame because I really do love that song. Her leg was shaking a whole lot more aggressively than before now and she was writing even more frantically.

Boscha's P.O.V

Oh my Titan. I swear, every single day I somehow manage to embarrass myself. I know it's only happened like twice, but that's two times too many. I hate this stupid class. There has to be something wrong with the air in here or something.

I quickly turned my headphones down. It's a shame because I really love this song. The songwriting, the instrumentals, her voice.. I really love Lana Spell Rey. Kind of crazy that this girl knew Lana. I'd never met another Lana stan.

But still, it was really embarrassing. This girl probably thinks I'm weird. That wouldn't be good at all.. What if she tells people that I'm weird? What if she ruins my reputation? I'd never hear the end of it from my moms if that happened.

Ugh! I need to focus. I'll never get this done in time if I keep thinking about stuff. I just need to think about this project and nothing else.

Because I was focusing so hard on my work and my music, I hadn't heard that the bell had gone off. I saw everyone get up, though. Class was already over? Did I really spend that much time stressing? Whatever. I just want to get out of here.

*After class ended..*

Your P.O.V

I was sitting at my normal lunch table with Alex. Today Edric and Emira were sitting with us since their normal group got the fire flu.

"You guys are never going to believe what I accidentally found out today." They all looked up at me, intrigued. "Ed, Em, You know who Boscha is, right?"

They both nodded. "Mm, yeah. That pink hair chick. That's like, Mitten's best friend or something. I see them together a lot." Edric said as he was chewing his sandwich. 'Mittens' was Ed & Em's little sister Amity. She was in my grade, the best student in my grade in fact. The best academically, anyways. I've never met her, though. She's scary.

"Well, today I found out she's a Lana Spell Rey fan." They all looked pretty shocked, but Ed's reaction topped everyone else's. He chuckled hysterically and banged his fist against the table. Everyone else was laughing, too.

"Pfft- How'd you find that out?" Emira asked. I had to take a minute to catch my breath from laughing. I then began to speak.

"She was playing her music really loud. I could hear it through her headphones." Ed began laughing again, sending everyone else into a laughing fit.

"She seriously didn't strike me as a Lana stan." Alex said. I nodded in response. It surprised me as much as it surprised everyone else. Titan, this lunch group is funny. I wish the twins would sit with us more often.

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