The Team Called 'The Echoes'

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Madtiger416 POV-
Hey everybody, welcome back to a new dimension with its season 6 real ease! This is episode 1 for us.

I’m at spawn of the season 6 dimension and it’s a gorgeous forest.

Life was all around me. Birds sang sweetly, the sun breaks through the cracks and reveals wildflowers around.

Sounds great, wouldn’t you say? Just listen to it again.

And it’s a beautiful day to start a new great dimension right? At least that is for some of us. Some other members of the dimension might be experiencing some technical difficulties with their dimension teleporting watch.

Parrot: I think Pangi is having issues. I thought I’d checked the watches to see if they worked before I sent them over to you guys.

Mad: [sees Pangi teleport in] Oh, there he is. He’s just staring into nothing

Clown: Hey, Pangi

Pangi: Yo, Clown.

Mad: We’re looking at him like he’s a science experiment. You alright?

With our Tech issues aside and our experiment to create a man plus Pangolin hybrid a rousing success, it was time to start our new season 6 world.

Parrot: Lifesteal Season 6 has begun.

Red: [in the background] Let’s go!

Parrot: Alright, alright everybody good luck. 48 hours from now, fighting is allowed and you can steal lives.

I decided to team up with my friend Chief. You know That Chief Guy, surely. Good guy, perfect to team up with (especially so I don’t die)

Chief: [getting killed by a Zombie next to me] Hey! Hey! Bad Zombie, bad Zombie! Stop it!

Mad: [kills a skeleton in a cave] I am.. a Monster Hunter!

Chief: Mad, that’s nice and all but help me out here! I’m going to die!

Mad: Fine, [kills the Zombie]

Maybe I’ll be the one helping Chief not to die.

Also, I hear you saying, ‘are those new voices with you? And did that one guy say Lifesteal?’ Yes, yes they are and yes he did.

The famous Lifesteal dimension. I was invited to join it by Parrot and I accepted. I would be insane not to, right?

Lastly, you are probably wondering, whose voices are they though?
Well there is a lot of names and I’ll only list a few: Parrot, Pangi, ClownPierce, Ash and Mono. But you didn’t hear Mono voice yet, because he’s not here today. He actually joined a few days later, after the Grace Period had ended.

More on that later.

Chief: You know, Mad. We have to gear up before the Grace Period is over. We’re going up against ClownPierce! Freaking ClownPierce.

Mad: Yeah. Clown is a scary dude

Me and Chief decided to make a starter base on a hill in a Desert. Sounds nice doesn’t it?

Mad: [sets it up] Yeah, this is good.

Chief: It’s a start, I guess.

I thought it was a nice little starting set up, but I think Chief didn’t care. He was worried about Clown killing him, knowing he was the top 10 fighters in every dimension ever. However, we were about to be issued a challenge by a guy called Planetlord (who is known for his trolling and traps)

Planet: Hey Mad, so my friend Vitalasy wants you to make the best starter base house because he knows you’re the best builder in his dimension. Then, he wants to see it for himself and you can live in it.

Mad: It’s doable definitely, may take a while though. I need to gather resend gear up first.

Chief: [appears out of nowhere] Yeah!

Mad: Do you want to live in the house I’m building with me, Chief?

Chief: Yeah dude.

So… I have a roommate now… that’s a good thing, right? Chief went off to find something or whatever a few minutes later (I have no idea)

Anyway, I need that sweet, sweet mending book for enchants so it’s time to get started on that Villager Trading Hall; just like on Season 4 of Echocraft on episode 1. Time to get resources!

Mad: I know what I want to get but I’m missing something.. I’ll know it when I see it! It’s not a big deal

Chief: It better not be.

Mad: [gets blown up by a Creeper]

I went boom by a Creeper and lost a life. Now on 9 lives. Oh roomie!

After I had gathered my stuff up from the cave I died in, I started to dig the hole where I am going to put the trading hall with the Villagers in!

Mad: [digs the hole]

Chief: [helps Mad]

Chief ended up leaving and coming back surprisingly excited and we ended up finishing the Trading Hall when the Grace Period was over, meaning anyone could now kill us and I don’t want that.

Chief: Dude, I’m so scared right now. Clown could be anywhere around.

Mad: Stop worrying about it. We’ll be fine.

Remember that guy named Mono I mentioned earlier? Well he joined very late, so late that the Grace Period was already over with before he even joined the dimension. He sadly didn’t team with us, which is quite disappointing but we do have some interesting news on Mono.

He ended up killing someone in the dimension called Galaxy and made lives for himself and it brought him up to 13 lives, making him a danger to our team.

That’s actually going to be it for today guys. This is going to be the best dimension I’ve ever been on, especially with the risk of dying.. Thank you for your time..

Mad: I’m hiding in the grass.

Chief: Stop hiding from me and help me out! I’ve already almost lost 4 lives from a stupid bet I made! Now I am going to have the best armour in the Dimension!

Bye bye!

Lifesteal Dimension: Season 6Where stories live. Discover now