How I Got To 20 Lives Again

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Reddoons POV-
From the start of my time on Lifesteal, all have sought to hold power; ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Pangi and even Branzy had a go at it. I’m not even kidding, he teamed up with 2 of the strongest players and he still failed.

Now get this. There’s a new season of a dimension where all of the people on it are out there to complain that very same goal; to become the most powerful person in all of the Lifesteal dimension. And to fuel my boredom and my power-thirstiness, I’m gonna see how long it for me to become the most powerful person on the Lifesteal dimension season 6.

Parrot: Lifesteal Season 6 has begun.

Red: Let’s go!

Parrot: Alright, alright everybody good luck. 48 hours from now, fighting is allowed and you can steal lives.

Before we begin, there are two ways to get power on the dimension. One is the dragon egg but we can’t do that since The End is closed off for a few hours and the other is getting to the maximum amount live which is a number of 20. This is possible since on the Lifesteal dimension simply if you kill someone, you steal one of their lives permanently. Meaning I can get to the maximum of 20.

Red: I have this whole plan to get to the End portal before anyone else does. This means that I can gain power with the End Dragon Egg because it’s the only Dragon Egg in the dimension.

Rek: [kills a pig next to me]

Red: Oh shoot! Hold on, Parker has got a wooden sword. I’m not gonna be the first one to die this season. That’s not on my agenda. [escapes Rek] I think I’m fine.

Rek: [leaves the dimension]

That’s what I’m talking about. Everyone’s super bloodthirsty for lives and it doesn’t help that I forgot that for the first two days, we aren’t even allowed to kill for lives; practically making everyone make their own lives. That I will not have. I hate work and I will not work for my life.

Red: You know it would actually be great to get to 20 lives in one day. Is that even possible? [axe breaks] I’m toolless. God why did they make early life suck so much? I hate this.

Now typically things like this is a solo man or woman’s operation, but we’re striving for complete dimension domination out here. We’re gonna need some henchmen and teammates, especially if we want to get to 20 lives.  So last night, I made contact with a few goons I know and I’m actually on my way to meet them as we speak.

Red: Oh wait. Is that you guys down there? Oh! Yo, my friends!

Liam: Let’s go!

Pangi: Let’s go!

I’ll be honest we spent the entirety of the Grace Period gearing up and getting full netherite armour. Also, making a few lives our own. A new guy called Mono threatened to go to the End early so ClownPierce put him in an obsidian box. Now the grace period is over..

Red: ..let’s go kill some people.

[in a swamp]
Red: Come on boys.. and girl. This is where we get like awesome adventure music in the background if this was a YouTube video or a movie.

Pangi: Oh, LeoW0ok is here.

Red: Kill Leo, kill Leo. Get him!

[chases after Leo]
Pangi: Leo is surviving so long, dude. How is that even possible.

Red: [kills Leo] We did it and now we

I craved more blood but as we journey the land looking for other prey, we were halted in our travels by something greater, far more powerful than ClownPierce will ever be..

Lifesteal Dimension: Season 6Where stories live. Discover now