Chapter 2

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--- Eda's pov ---

I woke up to my alarm clock. It turns out I set it for 5:30 instead of 6:30. I quickly hit it so it stops beeping not to wake up Luz. I turned in bed for a while until I decided I would not be falling asleep anytime soon, so I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

At 7:00, I went to wake up Luz. She got up, had breakfast, and got in the car with me. "Ok, remember what I told you, when school ends and I have to pick you up, where do you go?" I asked her. "I go inside your classroom when the kids leave," She said.

We got out of the car and walked inside the school. Luz stopped suddenly in front of me and turned around to face me. I picked her up from the floor. She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear," I'm gonna miss you, Mommy." I smiled."Ok, have fun!" I said as she went off to her class. I'm glad today is the last day of school.

--- timeskip after the school day is over and meeting began ---

Luz came into the classroom as I told her to. "Hi, Mommy," She said happily. "Hi hun, how was your last day of school?" I asked. "It was really good, it's finally summer. I can't wait to go to the beach," she said.

"I brought you your book, so you have something to do while I talk to people," I handed her the book. "Can i sit on a chair?" I got a chair from one of the desks," here," I said. She let out a squeal of excitement as I handed her the book.

--- Raine's pov ---

I am so nervous today. I have to go to a parent teacher meeting to discuss Brooke's progress in school. That would be fine, except MY EX is her teacher. Luckily, she hasn't seen me because I am always on time picking up Brooke from school. This is going to be so awkward.

--- Eda's pov ---

I was ready to go talk to the next person. When they came into my class, my back was turned, and I was organizing some papers that were on my desk. They knocked on the door. I turned around saying, "Hello, who are you here f- RAINE?" I dropped the papers on the floor as my jaw dropped. I suddenly snapped out of it.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the toilet. I'll be back in a couple of minutes," I said, walking out of the classroom. I started dialing Lilith's number on my phone frantically.

"Edalyn? Shouldn't you be talking to parents?"


"JEEZ, no need to yell, I can hear you,"

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous because RAINE is one of the people im supposed to be talking to,"

"Do you mean Raine, your ex?"

"YES, what other Raine would I be talking about?"

"Oh shit... Where are you right now?"

"In the toilet, calling you!"

"Ok, well, you better go. You have a job to do."

"Oh well, bye. Time to go and embarrass myself,"

Edalyn, you will do perfectly fi-"

I hung up the phone, walking through the hall towards the class. I walked inside, and they were already sitting down. I walked past them and sat down at my desk. Once I sat down, they looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

"So, your child Brooke has been doing very well in class. She is one of the smartest students in her class and never ceases to surprise me with her logical way of viewing things." I said, wanting to get straight to the point to save me from the embarrassment.

"Damn, not even a hello?" They said. "Language!" I whisper-shouted. I looked at Luz, who was half-running towards me. "Mum! I finished the book, it was awesome!" She was full of excitement. I ruffled her hair, "Take this," I gave her a piece of paper and a pencil, "I want you to write a letter to your future self, ok?" Luz took the paper and the pencil from me. "Okay," She said and smiled.

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