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said never to fall in love again but as soon as I met him...


12 years ago...

it was a great summer day my brother tommy and i were playing soccer in our backyard with my best friend, pablo

"ary you are very good at playing soccer"

"thank you so much pablo" he hugged me

"uhhh a new couple"

"Tommy we are only 5"

"ary shut up"

pablo laughed, after a short time I call him his mother, anasi

"pablo, ary, tommy come on up it's getting dark"

very often my brother and I ate at pablo's house since we were neighbors also because our parents always came home from work late but not on that evening ..

" arianna, tommy come home now!"

my brother and I looked into each other's stupid eyes, we hadn't done any damage to the house or so I remember

"come on"

we said goodbye to pablo and his family and went to the house and it was full of boxes, what was going on??

"Mom why is the house full of boxes?"

"we're moving arianna, we're going to germany"

I was shocked, I will never see Pablo again, I will never live in Spain again, never again..

that night instead of sleeping I kept crying

"hey ary, why are you crying?" I recognized Pablo's voice, he was looking out the window of his room just across from mine

"Tomorrow, Tommy and I are m-moving"

I could see the pain in his eyes

" you're joking, right??"

" no pablo, unfortunately not"

"I'll miss you ary"

" you too pablo, now i sleep before my parents discover me, see you tomorrow, for the last time.."

my last words were a soft whisper but i can already see tears running down pablo's face

I try to sleep but it's not that simple.

next morning..

Mom yelled to wake my brother Tommy and me from downstairs

" kids wake up, in a few hours we have the flight "

I still won't believe his words, am I in a nightmare??

"I'll be right there mom!"

tommy was very happy with the departure unlike me, he wanted to get to know new places besides our city but I know that underneath he will miss Spain and.. pablo

I think she's the person I will miss the most also because I'm a pretty shy girl and I haven't made much friends with other people, I hope the situation changes in Germany

it was eleven in the morning when me, my family and pablo's family arrived at the airport

a few minutes our flight was announced

" the flight to Berlin it's almost ready to go, start approaching the departure gate"

I may look like a crybaby but hey, it's hard to start in a new place, with new people, new language, different habits and other things

the last person i greeted was pablo

"ary I will miss you so much, I hope that in the future we could meet. here, a little gift to remember me "

it was a small but wonderful keychain with the barça crest, he always dreamed of playing with it at barça, he is very good at playing football

" thank you very much pablo, i will miss you so much and i will never forget you "

i hugged him and we started going to the gate, i turned around for a second and i saw him crying, just like me and i waved goodbye to him and his parents


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