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the day after..

I woke up around 9:30 to my mum's amazing screams


obviously say it more dedicatedly no

I quickly went down the stairs to the kitchen and on the way I met my brother

,,good morning tommy"

,,hello retarded" its usual, as always

other than that i can't wait to go to ikea

,, mom, when are we going to ikea?"

,,around 11"

perfect, I have plenty of time to prepare

for breakfast there was toast with jam, one of my favorite breakfasts

then, I went up to my room to get ready, I dressed myself in: a black top, white cargo, my beloved Jordans and some jewels

then I just put on a dash of mascara and as if by magic, it was 11

,,TOMMY, ARY WE HAVE TO GO" here she is, but don't talk normally huh??

we just arrived at ikea and immediately i saw veryyyyy nice things

in my cart there are already several plants and LEDs

it's 12:30 and we've just finished our shopping or at least, we have to go get the furniture and we're done

I took a double bed, a desk and a bookcase

there is no need for the wardrobe because I have a walk-in wardrobe and for the mirror I will order it on a site where they sell things for the beautiful home

we went to eat at a nearby restaurant and then went home

I had to start my work right away and hopefully I'll finish it in just under a week

I got to work around 2pm and now it's 7pm and I'm almost done and...
Mommy's gonna be screaming for dinner so I gotta be ready


uhmmm how i hate it when she does that

,,what's for dinner mom" said my brother


,,yes, when I missed it" I said in the throes of emotion. the paella is too good, especially the one my mum makes

,,all yummy mum" said tommy

,, yeah, I missed her so much"

,,anyway, what's up with the rooms" said my father very curious

,,Very well! I've almost finished it and the mirror should come to me in a few days"

,, you tommy?"

,,Well, me too. ary surely mine will be better than yours"

,, yes yes, believe me mine is more than beautiful, super-hypermega-beautiful!"

,,I have a sister who is too self-centered"

,,shut up!"

,, guys, before you get hurt, I have to make an announcement " after the one of the transfer here in spain I don't know what to expect

,, what mami?" this is how tommy does to be mom's favorite, nicknames, how basic! whatever

,, your father and I have discovered that after 12 years we still have the gavira family next to us"

,,so what?"

,,ary you really don't remember"

,,um no?"

,,their son was your best friend"

,,That? me best friend?"

,,indeed, you, best friend?"

,,TOMMY DON'T OFFEND YOUR SISTER" thank you dad I love you

,,you and him always hugged, you were good together"

,,I don't understand, am I in a prank show?"

I swear arianna" ok she's right, when she says my full name it means it's something serious and she's not joking

,,mama did you have a best friend that is our neighbor?"

,,yes you three used to always play football or wallball in our backyard and ary was always eliminated right away"

well it seems obvious to me

,how big you are ary "

,,however I tell you this because they have invited us to dinner tomorrow so, dress well!"

,,ah tommy, how surprised you are about your sister, you were flirting with her sister who was even a few years older than you"

,, you see I was a cupid even as a child"

,, he conquered her" I asked my dad


,, you can see how you were cupid eh"

,,HEY, anyway I'm going to my room because I'm tired"

,, me too, good night mom, good night dad"

,,night" they both told me

i lay down on the bed and thought maybe the guy i saw yesterday was my old best friend (who then whatI who had a best friend? honestly I still don't believe it) or he was the sister's boyfriend, I'll find out only tomorrow!


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