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I have just boarded the plane, I have a good 2 hours and 48 minutes of travel ahead of me
obviously, headphones in the ear and goooo!!
I was listening to moje more, yad, him and i, car's outside and mala so I hear my beloved Spanish after so many years

speaking of Spanish, I haven't spoken it for 12 years so, OHH.. DUOLINGUO!!

how much i missed it hahaha

,, but keep this stuff stay "

,,it's your beloved retarded tongue"


,,of course I love"


we got off the plane, oh my god, my spain, already from the Madrid airport I feel this breeze and the smell of mate that in Berlin I could only dream of

every summer my family and I went to Italy, my father has Italian origins and instead my mother is Serbian but she always tells us that we are not Serbian (which is not true) only because she and her father have never had a nice relationship.

despite that, i love serbia and i love her songs

sometimes me, tommy and dad go to serbia to visit and every time i love it

,,so tommy, do you like Spain?"

,,nice nice but definitely doesn't beat Germany"

,,of course because in Germany there is the sea, of course"

,, you can go to Italy genius"

,, but go fuck yourself"

,,MILA!" here she is my mum, always ready to intervene

,,indeed thousand! you have to show respect to me that I'm your older brother"

"point number one: two minutes point number two: right now you look like a 2-year-old boy and point number three I'm the smartest in the family so I deserve respect"


,, SIMON! you're 45" here she is, my mom again but this time she's mad at my dad

after doing quite a few hours (more precisely six hours) by car, we arrived in my beloved barcelona

as soon as we arrived I saw my old house again, and from there, my memories came

in truth they are very few because it was so long ago and then I don't have a very good memory, that's it

it was a two-storey house, on the first floor there is a large living room with fireplace, kitchen and a bathroom while on the second floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom

my room was perfect in size, but I have to furnish it and change the stuff a bit

surely a double bed, a bookcase, a bedside table, a desk and a mirror will fit inside. inside my room there is also a walk-in closet, so I'd say excellent

I went down to my room and there were already tommy, mum and dad talking

,,my room is beautiful" said tommy

,, mine is also very beautiful but I have to furnish it a bit" I said

,,ah yes sure, tomorrow we're going to ikea to furnish the whole house" said the mother

,,this one needs a change" added the dad

,,you are completely right" Oh, Tommy and I said the same thing at the same time (I understand that we are twins but that's too much)

,,I have a sister who copies"

,, what are you saying, we are telepathic"

,,Yes sure"

,, darlings, order the pizza, we're tired from the journey"

we did what they said: I had the one with fries, my favourite, my brother went for the classic one instead my mum and dad had the one with rocket and cherry tomatoes

I must say that they make it very good here but none beats the one in Italy

around 10.30 pm I was dead tired and I decided to start going to bed but...

I saw from the window a guy who lives next to me talking on the phone, he was really handsome in profile, then after that I saw him taking off his shirt he was a fit guy

in order not to be discovered by the person concerned, I haven't seen him for a long time, I read my book and then I went to sleep

tiktok: m1la0.00

i love this <3

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