Chapter Eleven: Trigger

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"Hey guys, lunch is ready." Jungwon announces, opening Sunoo's door. Ni-ki looked up at him, Sunoo had fallen asleep in his arms at some point. Jungwon gives him a concerned look. Ni-ki shifted as carefully as possible until Sunoo was laying down on his own. Ni-ki guided Jungwon out of the room and closed the door.

"He's exhausted. I don't know what happened last night but I don't think he got any sleep, it looked like he had been crying for hours." Ni-ki says in a hushed voice. Jungwon was concerned by the statement but he knew he couldn't push for more information. If Sunoo was finally asleep, then that was a good thing. He would try to find answers when Sunoo was ready to talk.

"I guess a lot happened last night. Sunghoon and Heeseung got pretty drunk, but Jake said Heeseung went straight to sleep and Jay said Sunghoon had made his way back to his own room. So, at least they didn't cause any trouble." Jungwon mumbles. Ni-ki nods and evens out the strings on Jungwon's hoodie.

"The older members require a lot of our care." Ni-ki jokes. Jungwon smirks and nods in agreement.

"Yeah. We'll save Sunoo some food for when he wakes up, but for right now, come eat." Jungwon says, dragging Ni-ki towards the kitchen area. Ni-ki didn't really want to leave Sunoo alone, but he knew better than to talk back to Jungwon.

"There you are! Finally, come here." Jake calls, waving Ni-ki over. He took a seat beside him as Jay passed out eating utensils.

"What did you order?" Ni-ki asks. Jake handed a bottle of water to Heeseung who sat on the other side of him before turning back to Ni-ki.

"A lot, so eat as much as you can." Jake says simply. Jay started to take the lids off of the various ordered dishes. Jake grabbed one of the bowls and placed it in front of Heeseung.

"We got hangover soup for you and Sunghoon." Jake explains. Heeseung smiled and took the spoon Jake offered.

"Thank you." He mumbled quietly. He was still half asleep. Thankfully he hadn't drank as much as Sunghoon, he would have hated to be in the state Sunghoon appeared to be in.

"Eat." Jay orders. He placed a spoon in front of Sunghoon and then took his seat beside him, Jungwon sitting to his left.. Sunghoon gripped the spoon but the thought of eating made him feel even worse. His heart pumped rapidly as his head throbbed painfully. He felt nauseous and the smell of the others' food wasn't helping at all.

There's that irrational fear again...

Sunghoon stared down at the soup, unable to move his spoon towards his mouth. Why do I feel so bad? Sunghoon wasn't completely convinced the sickness was entirely caused by the drinking. But he couldn't remember what could have possibly happened last night. All he knew was that something was missing.

"Hey...Heeseung. Did I say anything stupid last night?" Sunghoon asks. Heeseung looked over at him and then back down at his own soup.

"I think we both did, but nothing too serious. Why? Do you have some big secret to hide?" Heeseung jokes. Sunghoon shook his head slowly.

"No, I don't think so. What happened when we finished drinking?" he asks. The members looked around at each other and then back at Sunghoon.

"Are you okay? Did you do something last night?" Jungwon asks. Sunghoon furrows his eyebrows and looks down at his jittery hands.

"I don't know..." he answers honestly. The strange feeling in his gut was getting stronger. It made him even more uneasy. His palms started to sweat.

" Nothing really. You told me you were going to get some water and then go to bed. I went back to my room and went to sleep so I don't really know where you went. I'm assuming you went back to your room too." Heeseung says. Sunghoon nods and the members go back to eating.

"Actually, on the topic of water...Hoon, you should drink some to help with the hangover." Heeseung says, gesturing towards the bottles in the middle of the table. 

Sunghoon jerks suddenly, sending his bowl of soup all over himself and the table. Jay jumps up and rushes to grab napkins and Jungwon orders for Sunghoon to take his sweatshirt off. That soup had been hot, there was no way Sunghoon hadn't burned himself.

But instead of reacting to the burns, Sunghoon stood there wide eyed, staring at the mess. Jungwon was at his side, tugging at his clothes. Sunghoon's world seemed to slow down as blurs pushed past him, attempting to clean the food from the floor. Jungwon's words were muffled as Sunghoon's ears rang loudly.


He heard that nickname again, but it was someone else's voice.

We...shouldn't do things like this.

It was Sunoo's voice, echoing in the back of his mind. Sunghoon stumbled backward and tripped over the leg of his chair, causing him to fall to the ground. The members had erupted into chaos, some of them trying to clean the mess, while Ni-ki and Jungwon rushed to remove Sunghoon's sweatshirt, concerned by the redness of his skin where he had been burnt.

Sunghoon couldn't move, he was completely frozen in place as the memories started flooding back in.

"What have I done?" Sunghoon whispers. 

A/N: .....okay so what happened was-

Jk I have no excuse um....just suffer?

I literally refused to post this until I finished chapter fifteen...I know it's pretty short but the next few should be a bit longer. Just don't mind me struggling to finish chapters sixteen- twenty even though I already know how I want it to end...

(or NOT end 🤭🤫)

I have a surprise that will be revealed...soon. 👀

So anyway~
Don't forget to vote if you "enjoy" - Taehyun, 2021

Have a good day/night 🫶🫶

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