Just a train station

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It was mid volleyball season now, April approaching. Volleyball nations league would start soon after the Italian league was over, which meant that Yūki had no time to rest.

Just like every day he was at the gym with his teammates, playing the sport that he loved with his whole heart.


Matteo sat down on the bench next to him, breathing heavily between big sips of water. Yūki looked at him wide eyed. He was honestly just concerned that the latter might choke and die on the spot because of how fast the water disappeared from the bottle. So, obviously, he felt the need to voice his concerns.

"Matteo, you gotta slow down a bit before you choke." In response, the other put down his bottle and wiped the water off of his face with his blue shirt. He nodded. "You are right. Just like always." Matteo laughed at his own joke. A glance at the clock. "Damn, already half-time. We should probably get back on court, finish practice and then go out for some dinner, if you are down for it." Yūki eagerly nodded in response.

He was not the most social person on this planet, but he had always loved spending time with Matteo.

Then it hit him. He mentally slapped himself. The frustration was visible enough for his friend to catch up with his thoughts. "Don't worry, Yūki, we can go out another time. What did you forget?" "I need to attend an online meeting. It's about the upcoming VNL season and Philippe wanted to talk to me about something regarding. I totally forgot; I am so sorry." Matteo waved off the others concerns. He just patted his shoulder assuringly.

"Don't worry about it, Yūki." Their attention was drawn to Augustin who managed to do an absolute stunning net serve. The coach shouted something in return to which he just nodded. "I will ask Augustin. My man needs to catch a break and clear his head."

Yūki was glad. At least he did not have to hurry after practice. There was plenty of time 'til the phone call, 2 hours to be exact. A shower was everything he needed right now.


"Bye, Yūki! Talk to you tomorrow!" With that, the last person aka Paolo had left the gym. Now it was only Yūki. Standing in the changing room with a towel around his waist, damp hair and a comfortable grey sweatshirt in his right hand.

Cold air brushed against his skin. A window must be open somewhere. That fact just made him change into his regular clothes even faster. As soon as his sweater was on, there was another breeze. This one was followed by the slam of a door. Something fell over.

Yūki sighed. He should probably go check up on it. Maybe it was the janitor, or an animal got inside of the gym. He would just close the window and go home. As easy as that.


The gym hallway was illuminated by bright, white Up-/Downlights. The closer he got back to the court, the stronger the wind breeze got. Shivers ran down his spine. Even though it was already march, the weather was still cold and rainy in Italy. He hated that. Not the rain, no. Yūki had always loved the rain, but the humid air always gave him a headache and he would more often than not catch a cold midst season.

He sighed once he had made out the source of the sounds and cold.

A cat was hiding underneath a locker, eyes opened widely in fear. She sat in a corner and made herself extra small. The window she had used to get inside was still repeatedly slamming against a wall. At least until Yūki finally decided to close it. He would make sure to get the cat out through the actual exit.


His knee cracked while squatting down, which made him notice an untied shoelace. An idea shot through his head.

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