A meeting

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"Why did you come here, Yuji? I mean, I get it, but don't at the same time." Yuji did not have a single idea how else he should explain. It was like he had already tried everything to enlighten the younger.

So, he sighed and proceeded to talk with an exhausted facial expression. "Ran, Yuki is my friend and I want to be there when they find him. I am scared for his life. Besides, I feel like you need a bit mental support as well. I can tell just by looking at you- When was the last time you properly slept or had a moment of silence in that head of yours?"

Ran didn't immediately answer. He, instead, seemed to actually try and remember. "I was too stressed to sleep, so it has been a little while. But it's fine, Yuji. Really." The older looked at him first wide-eyed, then scared until he decided to not react at all.

Instead, he just nodded. "Tomohiro wanted to visit as well, but was doing a little too shitty to get on a plane and travel all the way here. He says sorry."


He glanced around the corner.

There he stood. Leaned against a wall, eyes fixated on his phone, strands of blond hair falling into his face. He was tall and built muscular.

Loui smirked. The napkin felt light and soft in his hands, growing heavier the more chloroform he drizzled onto it.

He looked up once finished, locking his eyes on his target. When Loui was sure that his victim was distracted, he slowly and quietly started approaching with careful steps.


"Could you hurry. , I am cold!" Yuji shouted. It was the first time he looked up from his phone to check whether Ran had already re-appeared from the restroom or not. But instead of facing Ran, his eyes landed on a weird man. His footsteps were unsure and slow, silent above all. A white object in the others hand caught Yuji's attention.

However, his Italian was not in best shape anymore and he therefore decided to just ignore him. Ran would be back in a minute or so eventually.

"Excuse me, could you help me with something for a second?" Yuji was able to understand the words said, shaking his head. "I need to wait for a friend, sorry. What is it that you need help with?" He realized just now long he hadn't spoken the Italian language.

The man waved off his concerns with a quick hand motion. "Don't worry, my car is parked just over there." He pointed somewhere in the dark. "I need to unload my groceries, but they are too heavy for me and my back." Yuji thought about it. While doing so, he looked back at the restroom, then to the car and back at the man over and over again.

That person needed help so why should he be so ignorant and turn his back?

"I am gonna be back in a second!" He shouted towards the bathroom, before putting his phone in his back pocket and following the man to the car.

It was starting to get cold now and with the wind breezes growing stronger as well as more clouds appearing in the sky, it looked like rain was about to fall.

They came to a stop in front of a black, small car. The sight alone managed to send shivers down Yuji's spine: A cracked window, a scratched tailgate, and an almost flat tire. On top of that, that was just by looking at one side of the car.

Yuji pushed his prejudices and confusion to the back of his head, lifting a box off of the floor. It was heavy. What on earth had this person bought?


It had been the second and with that last box to place in the car's trunk. Yuji had just finished straightening his back when he felt something soft graze his ear.

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