The Date

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Sophie was certain she smelled like a giraffe rolled in spoiled milk and baby oil when Friday night finally came around. She'd spent nearly the entire morning picking out an outfit, doing a slight bit of makeup, and trying to get her stupid body to stop sweating. She just couldn't do it.

"Sophie, I'm pretty sure you're overthinking this." Linh was whirling around on a chair with wheels, as she had been for the past 3 hours while Sophie prepped herself.

"Why would you think that?!" Sophie whipped around and smiled painfully at Linh, who winced. She was pretty sure it looked more like a grimace.

"Well, you keep sniffing your armpits, and I'm starting to think that you're a famous model in disguise after trying on so many clothes. You just need to relax." Linh started spinning so hard on her chair that she started floating into the air like she was on a helicopter.

"How am I supposed to relax?" she groaned, turning back to the mirror and checking her eyeliner once again. It was slightly wobbly, and she almost wiped it away and tried again right there, but she was pretty sure she'd bruise her eyelid if she scrubbed her face ever again. "I've liked a few boys, but I've never gone out on a date with any of them. In fact, I'm pretty sure none of them have ever even liked me back. And this guy, he's..." she trailed off when she remembered who she was talking about.

"A demon," Linh said sarcastically, slowly spinning back to the ground. "Trust me, Fitz will compliment you even if you show up looking like a nerdy hippo."

"I look like a nerdy hippo?" Sophie sighed, turning back to the mirror.

"No, idiot." A pillow walloped her in the head.

"Hey, you ruined my hair!" she screeched, snatching up a brush and curling elixir and fixing it quick. "Golly, Linh. It's like you're trying to make me look bad. You sure you're not sabotaging me?"

Linh laughed. "Sophie, if I know anything about you, it's that you can sabotage yourself just fine."

She hated to admit she was probably right.


A few hours later, she stood nervously in the city square of Atlantis. She fiddled with the bottom of her skirt--a pretty red thing that had the least amount of sparkles she could find. She hoped it wasn't too much, though Sophie knew Fitz would show up looking princely even if he were dressed in rags. She still couldn't help the anxiety that squirmed through her stomach.

Her anxiety got both worse and lighter when she spotted a certain brown-haired, teal-eyed elf strutting towards her. She smiled and gave him a shy wave.

"Sophia!" he called, walking a bit faster when he saw her wave. He reached her, grinning, and grabbed her shoulders. "I'm glad to see you. You look great--I hope I didn't keep you waiting?"

She shook her head, fearing stammering when she opened her stupid jaws. She could tell she was blushing, and she tried to get herself under control. Cmon, Sophie, don't lose it over one silly compliment. "N-no," she immediately stammered. "I just got here a minute ago. You're all good." Sophie laughed stupidly, hating herself for feeling so awkward.

Fitz just laughed and held his arm out to her. "I'm glad. Before we head to the library, do you want to go to a café with me? I know a really good one a few blocks away, and we should probably get something to fuel our brains before reading a bunch of boring scrolls. Right?"

She took his arm slowly, shyly, and nodded. "That sounds nice, Fitz."

He led her through the twisting streets of the cities, and Sophie couldn't help staring in awe. "Fitz, this place is seriously beautiful. I can't believe I've never gotten to see something like this bef--I mean, I don't remember seeing anything like this. You know, memory loss. Haha." She wanted to slap herself. She really needed Linh here to check her.

Meant to Be: A Sophie X Tam Fanfic - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now