Tell Me You're Sorry

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Sophie twisted the wood in her hands, rubbing her fingers over the calloused wood in shock. It was clearly hand-crafted, but it was also truly beautiful. Each whorl and knot had been shaped and cut into a polished wooden ring, carved to look like vines and leaves with miniature ice-blue flowers painted on. She stared at it, wide-eyed, wondering how in the world Tam had made something so intricate. Wondering why he'd made it for her.

As she observed it, her finger ran under the band, and she realized two small words had been dug into the inside of it. 'Good luck. --T.' She blinked, emotion threatening to overwhelm her. How long had it taken him to make this? How had he managed to create something so perfect, and for her? She exhaled quietly, her eyes growing soft. Maybe they weren't on speaking terms, but he clearly still cared about her.

After everything.

After she'd picked Fitz over him.


"Sophia?" An ice-cold voice interrupted her thoughts, and she startled, looking up. Her face fell, the small smile she'd subconsciously developed vanishing. "I asked you a question. What is that, and why did you give it to me?" His jaw tightened, and he stepped forward, reaching for her hand. "Is this some kind of sick joke to make me angry? Because it's working."

She opened and closed her mouth, feeling like a star-struck fish. She'd had no idea Tam had even given her a gift; she certainly hadn't meant to give it to her boyfriend. He rolled his eyes, apparently tired of waiting, and grabbed her wrist, tugging her forward.

"Hey--!" Sophie started, a bit appalled at his sudden use of force, but he cut her off with a scathing glare and pried her fingers off the ring. She shut her mouth, unwilling to upset him any more than he already was. She forced herself to think about it from his point of view--his girlfriend's male roommate had given her a gift that she'd accidentally given to Fitz instead. For all he knew, this really could be some sort of sick joke, right? Her heart pounded, and she stared up at him with wide eyes, but he only released her wrist and stepped back again.

Fitz held the ring up to the light as if it were transparent, and he could drag out all of its secrets just by the sheer force of his glare. Finally, after he'd examined it longer than a surgeon cutting out her heart, his gaze slid back to her. Sophie shuffled her feet when he didn't immediately speak, rubbing her arm under the uncomfortable weight of his stare. "Well?" he said dryly. "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Sophie swallowed, wondering if she'd somehow made a mistake. It really had been an accident. She was stupid for handing him Tam's gift, but she hadn't meant to. She would never try to hurt Fitz. Besides, it wasn't her fault that Tam had slipped her the ring. Still. She felt awful for ruining their celebration. Even if it hadn't been going that well in the first place.

She finally spoke when Fitz huffed, as if he were done waiting and was preparing to snap at her again. "I didn't mean to," she rasped, then cleared her throat with a cough. Nothing she said ever came out as she intended around him. Fitz narrowed his eyes, and she hurried to continue. "I--I really didn't. I had no idea the ring was even in my pocket--"

"Right," Fitz scoffed, laughing without mirth. He tossed the ring back to her, and she caught it while he was turning away and tearing a hand through his hair. She hesitated, slipping it into her pocket, then reached out for him. She wished he would face her. She eventually drew back--he didn't seem to be in a very touchy mood. "And just how did he accomplish that, huh?"

"I don't know," she insisted, voice growing more desperate. Desperate to prove herself. Did he doubt her now? Did he think she wasn't committed to him? Wasn't loyal? "I swear, I have no idea. I only saw him earlier because he was with Mai, and I needed to get my test scores from her, and--" she cut herself off, tears forming in her eyes as she choked on her words. Fitz rolled his eyes and sneered at her, his eyes narrowing in distaste.

Meant to Be: A Sophie X Tam Fanfic - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now