The house is alive?!

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“Good, well now, enjoy your stay, I won't lock your door again, but the front door is locked, just in case.” I stated before getting off the bed, and walking out the room, closing the door behind me. I walked over to the telephone

“Yes Home. Also, Home, make sure to let me know if she gets out.” I asked Home “...” ugh. “Yes, I know she can't go far Home, but still, please?” I pleaded home “Thank you Home!” I put the phone down and walked out of the house, Today is a nice day, too bad my love can’t see it. The neighbors don’t know she’s here, and I want them to stay oblivious, I can’t have them stealing her from me. I love her more than they will ever be capable of...


“I got to find some way to get out of this house!” I angerly whispered, Yet Wally would catch me, and the more I defy him, the more I'm in danger. Breaking a window would be too loud, but I can't just walk out the front door. I look out the bedroom door, he's not in the living room. This is my chance, I walk into the living room, to see if I can find something to unlock the door or break a window, but I don’t know the layout of the house.

Suddenly the phone rings, I don’t know what to do, answering it might give myself away, but then again, the person on the line could help me. I ran to the phone to answer. “Hello! Is anyone there!...” I screamed into the phone, panicking “Hello...” the person, sounded, calm? “I’m home, it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you” Home? That sounded familiar, think y/n. Wait! “You’re... Home?” I say as I look over at the house's windows, or more like his eyes, it's staring... at me. “Yes... I know, take your time, houses aren't alive back where you’re from” His voice was deep, but it still rang in my ears. “You’re not gonna, tell Wally this... right?” I said hesitantly, I couldn’t believe I got into this situation, and now I'm talking to a house. “I’ll be honest, I don’t like you, I have no idea what he sees in you, but he's been awfully distracted by your presence, so here’s the plan. I help you get back, you don’t go to the cops, blah blah blah, and I get to keep Wally to myself, deal?” a deal? If home knows how to get me back, then sure, besides, it’s a win-win anyway. “You promise?” I ask, and I can’t believe I'm doing this “Promise.” He replied. There is no tone in home’s voice, so I can’t tell what his emotions are. I don’t know if he's being genuine.

“Well Alright then, I'll trust you, so, do you have a plan?” I asked home “in fact I do, at sundown, I'll unlock your bedroom window, then you can crawl out” Home then began to tell me about a path leading to a patch of woods just down the main path “But- what about W- him... what if he catches me?” my words got jumbled up, I noticed by hand holding the phone start to shake. I am truly terrified of Wally. I really hope this is just some messed up nightmare. What if- “You’ll be fine, I can just lock him inside, that or we can wait till he falls asleep if that brings more comfort” Homes words broke my train of thought, but could I really trust him “Why are you helping me?” I asked. Which might be a bad idea “I said it earlier, I don’t like you” what. Okay I just played myself, didn’t I? “Okay.” so what do I do while I wait? He could get suspicious of me” I questioned


“You kiss up.”

Painters Love: Yan!Wally Darling x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now