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(A/N would you all like longer chapters? It would take longer to write but I’d be down)

“Oh Y/n... Where am I going wrong with you?” I gripped the paintbrush, I was agitated. My darlings panic attack put me on edge, maybe I need to be more friendly? My body kept shifting and fidgeting, the artist block setting in, all I could think about was Y/n... wait, Y/n! I could paint her! Use her as my muse, her beauty is already art, she's an infinite source of creativity. I could spend eternity just looking at her, my beautiful darling... it just needs some painter’s love (;>) to become a masterpiece...

I took a deep breath and began painting, my feelings of agitation quickly melting away with each brushstroke. The bristles of the brush move so eloquently. Y/n's beauty was like a gift from Aphrodite herself, and I was ecstatic to be able to capture it on canvas. With every little detail I added, with each brushstroke, the image came to life before my eyes.

I could hardly contain my excitement. I felt so lucky to have such a beautiful muse. We were meant to find each other, and now that we did, I can have her to myself, and no one will get in the way of our blossoming story in front of us. Yet, I still can't believe this is really happening! It feels like the world became brighter today, like I can see everything clearer, have room to think, to be free, with her....

I take a step back, admiring my work, it truly is beautiful, just like her, my darling, MY darling. She’s mine, and I can’t believe it, I've spent YEARS trying to get her to me. Now it's really happening! “This has to be a dream! Everything is too good to be true...” I muttered. I might just die of joy!


“This has to be a nightmare! This can’t be true...” Voice cracking and crying, and my sobs muffled by the bed, I was truly in denial, I mean, this absurd! “Wake up L/N! This isn’t real, your being hysterical!” I sit up and clutch my left wrist, I could feel the pain “ow, fu- this is real...” I was still in the same bedroom, meticulously decorated with almost everything I liked. The walls were (fav/color) and everything seemed perfect, but artificial. It was whimsical and colorful like the rest of the house, but my style? “How does he know my interests this well?” I asked, scanning my eyes around the room. The thought that Wally has been stalking me, planning all this out, is terrifying. How long has he been watching me...

The door to my bedroom is closed, but unlocked, I need to do something, anything other than stay in here. My instincts say to play it safe and stay here, but my inner horror movie character says to run. As I contemplate the decision, I feel my legs already moving, as if my body made up my mind, I didn't know what I was doing, but I had to do something. My hand reaches out and turns the knob

‘Click!’ The door swung open, revealing the rest of the house again, I took one more step, the floorboards in the hallway made quiet creaks, which could be bad for the escape plan. “Hello again home...” I whispered while waving to him, its eyes locked onto mine, like it was looking at me. I took another step forward, trying to convince myself that Home was friendly, still staring right at me, two large eyes locked onto me. I could see them moving, following my every footstep. Calm down, it's just Home - nothing to freak out about. But I still didn’t know if I could completely trust him. “Home, I'm gonna go back to sleep, so that way I won’t be tired when I, you know, so wake me up when Wally's asleep please” I asked home quietly. I hope he really wants to help.

I tiptoed back to my room laying down on the bed, I tried to sleep. Maybe it was the chance that if I sleep, I would be home, or wouldn’t wake up, but as I drifted off, I could feel my eagerness rising. “Goodbye Wally” I said before falling asleep.

Painters Love: Yan!Wally Darling x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now