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My eyes fluttered open as I looked around, I was still in Wally’s house, my eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that could be suspicious, before landing on the window on the other side of the room. The landscape outside the window was pitch black, shrouding the beautiful trees in a muddy shadow. I could barely see anything in the darkness of the bedroom, other than the faint silhouette of the contrasting bright furniture. All I could hear was the trees rustling in the intense wind, so loud it muffled the sounds of my own thoughts. I lay there in bed for a brief moment, my eyes staring at the ceiling, my breathing heavy, short and tiring. One thought running thought my mind, was this the right thing to do? Yes. I need to leave. I sat up, and groggily got out of bed, and with my knees buckling under my weight, I tiptoed my way to the window. The window was open, the screen already popped out. I sat down on the windowsill. Cautiously putting my left leg through the open window, following suit by my other leg, I shimmy my body out of the window falling onto the grass. I took a deep breath of the fresh, cool air, feeling the wind blowing against my face, and the grass on my legs. It felt surreal, as if my heart were about to explode. Was I alive, safe, free? I couldn't believe it. That I was really in Wally darling’s House, However I could still remember every little detail... the walls, the brightly colored furniture, the eyes, his and Homes. Home. I look back at the house I just crawled out of. “Thank you, Home,” I told the house, I sounded crazy, maybe I am. Maybe I was still dreaming. What if this is all just in my head? I don’t care. All that matters now is getting back.

I stood up slowly, sinking into the grass underneath my feet. I looked around, seeing my surroundings, it was truly beautiful here, but I couldn’t stay. Now, home said the woods will lead me home? The main path leading into the woods looked almost abandoned... and overgrown, like nothing has stepped in there for years. I took the first steps toward the forest, I walked a quick but quiet jog, in hopes I wouldn’t be seen. I started to walk down the path my speed accelerating with every step, and as soon I as knew it, I was running down the path, my breathing heavy, my legs in pain, sharp knifes stab in my feet with every step, but I don’t stop until my feet can’t go anymore. It felt like my heart was pounding so hard it would fall out of my chest,

Without even looking, I've ran into something, I fall to my knees, I can’t feel my legs, I'm tired and have a headache, and now my face hurts from me running into something. I rub my eyes and look at the thing I ran into... a. tree? It was a tree, and... an evergreen tree at that, “if this is a puppet world, why are there, realistic evergreens? Like the ones in my city-” I pause. These are the trees that surround my town, could this be? It's the only one in miles, it's like it leaked into this world, maybe that means the portal, or whatever I can use to leave is around here!

Seeing this made everything clear, no matter what I do, this isn’t a dream... this is real. “What if when I go back, people think I'm missing? Or worse, dead... What happens if I can’t get home? Maybe there is no way back, and I'm stuck here.” a muttered jumbled mess came out. Fear washed over me, and I had no idea what to do. My mind was racing, and the only thing I knew was that I needed to find the way home. I had to get home... Keep calm and take a deep breath, I’m being dramatic. I reach out to the tree, feel the needles and the bark, the wood leaves a fine pollen on my hands so sure enough, it's real, I lay my back against the tree, desperately needing to rest. I sat on the grassy ground, dragging my hands through the grass. I closed my eyes, feeling the wind against my face, my eyelashes, my hair, I haven’t been outside in a bit, and it felt amazing. Exhilarating.

Then all of a sudden, as I finally started to calm down, I heard a snapping sound. It was crisp, like someone broke a twig. I covered my mouth, trying my best to quietly breathe, it came from the direction of the neighborhood. It couldn’t have been Wally, Home said he would lock him inside, unless... I get behind the tree, ducking down, I'm still out of breath, and as I try to slow down my breathing, I hear loud footsteps approaching, but they didn’t sound like Wally's footsteps, these were louder, and infrequent, like the person was taking larger steps, Wally’s short, so it couldn’t have been him. I tightly closed my eyes, and crossed my fingers, praying to make it out alive. But If I don’t live to tell this tale, at least I never have to step a foot back into Wally’s house.

It’s coming closer, and closer... and

“Hello?” The person called out. My eyes widened at the word. “Is anybody there?” asked the sweet-sounding voice, which had a subtle southern twang. It wasn't my voice, that much was obvious, but... then whose was it? The footsteps stopped, leaving only the voice hanging in the air. It was strangely quiet, devoid of all other sounds. The voice continued “I saw you dear, you were running. Are you okay?” but there was something different now. A hint of worry, almost like a genuine concern. It was subtle, but enough to make the voice seem... almost human. Or more likely, Puppet like. In fact, the large infrequent steps, sweet southern voice, calling me dear, her concern. It could only be one person, one bird, Poppy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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