Warrior's Honor - A Short Story by @SophiaLaney

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It was the voices; the whispers in the darkness, the prickling of the skin, and the goose chills that ran down her spine that awoke Hildegard from her deep, dreamless slumber. Her husband laid beside her, still breathing evenly, still deep in his own restful drowse. His body was sprawled on the bed, leaving not much room for the petite wife to lay nor move. She cocked her head to the side, pulling her raggedly curly red hair behind her ears. She closed her eyes, listening for the voices that hindered her sleep. The sounds of crickets, the crashing of the waves upon cliff, and the soft churning of the coal-operated mill far in the woods was the only thing she could hear. Her heart pounded in her chest. The sweat glistened on her body as she climbed out of bed, covering herself with her husband's coal covered cloak on the edge of the bed. Her body quivered as she opened the door to her hut. It was the pure darkness that engulfed Hildegard's fears, escalating it even more. Up above, the King's drones' engines echoed throughout the valley causing her to jump a little back. She closed her eyes, prepping herself for what was to come, what battle lied before the village. And just as quickly as the voices stopped, they resumed to full crescendo. Hildegard recognized the voices, giving her encouragement to go outside.

Her lungs filled with the elements of nature. She was quiet, her footsteps seeped into the soft dirt ground. They stood before her. Their torches were bright and illuminating. She could see their silhouettes, their dark bodies huddled together in conspiracy. All members were dressed in black, right down to painting their faces blue. It was a feeling really. A strange feeling of comfort. Hildegard wasn't afraid anymore. With her fears lifted with the north wind, Hildegard approached the cloaked figures. A smile slid across her face as she recognized one of the figures to be her mother in law, Frediagund.

"What a surprise." She whispered, not wanting to awaken her husband who still lied in the hut. She finally recognized the others as Brunhild and Bjorn, her mother in law's servants and the tallest member of their group was the bodyguard, Njal. Frediagund flipped her hood off, revealing a stark high cheek boned woman with wrinkles from both stress and age.

"Speak no more. I have come because of an urgent matter has come to light." Her voice was demanding, controlling but warm.

Frediagund stepped forward. She placed her arm on Hildegard's small shoulders. Hildegard's smile dwindled down. Her face becoming more serious and stern.

"Hildegard, my darling. My love, as I see you now, all I see is a wounded woman. A woman who has not overcome her past and it still haunts her to this day."

She turned away from her mother in law, shame filled her heart and showed on her face.

"Today is the day that you will finally...fulfill the promise you have made to your mother five years ago. The feud will be rekindled but this time it will be different." Hildegard could feel the woman's hands becoming tighter around her shoulders. Terror and hysteria sparkled in Frediagund's eyes, putting fear in Hildegard's heart. Her body quivered from both the cold seeping through her skin and the dire situation that was presented in front of her. Up above them, the drones flew lower to the ground, shaking the ground below them.

"They killed your family, and now you must kill them. Today is the day that Earl Gunnar's life has been taken. The result of another feud. His death came from the hands of a servant, my servant Bjorn." Upon the calling of his name, Bjorn stepped forward, giving the two women a bow. His face was rough, scarred by the constant feuding and warfare he endured. Yet his eyes showed a little hint of youthfulness. There in his eyes, glimmered an undying loyalty to the family he served.

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