Chapter 1: Ready

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"We're going to be late Hannah hurry up!" George yelled as he grabbed his bag. His twin sister ran into the room. "Did you have to take so long?"

"Yes I did." Hannah rolled her eyed as she left the house. George followed behind her as they started to walk to their neighbors driveway to see someone waiting for them in their car.

"You two took forever." Karl said as he started to drive out of the driveway, he was a junior and the twins were sophomores so Karl had to drive them to school. "George your hockey bag is in the back of my car, you left it in here last night."

George nodded. "Who are you guys versing tonight?" Hannah asked from the backseat.

"White Bridge." Karl told her. "George are you ready to verse Clay Wastaken?" Karl laughed but George looked at him confused. "He is the starting center and he always scores."

"I haven't let up a goal this entire season I think I'll be fine." George bragged in a joking way. "Are you driving me to the game?"

"Yeah Hannah are you coming to the game or are you going home?" Karl asked her since he had to be her ride home.

"Can I come to the game? Maybe I can find some hot boy who will ask me out on a date and I can find a boyfriend. All the guys in our school weird and ugly."

"You are not dating someone from fucking White Bridge, those guys are asshole and hates everyone from our school." George refused her plan.

"Its better than fucking perverts and stupid seniors thinking its cool to be pushy and shit." Hannah reasoned. "So Karl is that Clay guy hot?"

"I don't really know what he looks like I just heard about him in hockey." Karl looked at Hannah through the rearview mirror. "Wait Han do you have practice today?" Hannah plays womens hockey.

"No I don't, my coach got some disease or something so she cant come to practice and my other coach is on vacation."

Soon they pulled up to the school and they all exited the car. They started walking to the building and Hannah branched out to talk to her friends. Soon a guy started walking with George and Karl. "Hey Idiots."

"Greyson how are you?" Karl dabbed him up.

"I'm doing pretty good, I'm excited for the game tonight. White Bridge only has one good player and thats the only reason why they're so fucking good." Greyson said sarcastically. "They're not even that good, its only that one fucking guy Clay." 

"How about that Nick guy?" Karl asked the dirty blonde boy. "Is he any good, I heard about him too?" Karl opened the school doors for them.

"The only thing he is good at is fights, that's probably the reason he signed up. When I used to go to that school he only knew how to chuck people and start fights." Greyson thought of some of the other players. "Daryl, despite his nickname being Bad he is actually a pretty decent, he isn't the greatest but he isn't bad. Punz is their goalie, again he is decent but not the greatest, and no where near George's skill."

"Wow I'm so good." George laughed. They made it to their lockers and started to grab their crap as the bell rang.


"Cmon Clay we're going to be late!" Nick shook Clay's body who was sleeping in his car. "You know the principal locks the door after the bell rings, we wont be able to go to school."

"Good." Clay mumbled but Nick pulled his dirty blonde hair. Clay slapped Nick for payback. "What the fuck man!?"

"You're up now cmon, we cant be late today. Also coach needs us first period to talk about the game tonight."

"What game?" Clay exited Nick's car. He rubbed his eyes in a groggy manner because he was so tired from last night, him and Nick were drinking their minds off.

"Dude how the fuck do you not know? We're versing Bryxton dumbass. With that goalie that everyone thinks is fantastic but he is just some average goalie." Nick opened the door for two, luckily the bell rang as soon as they entered making them not late.

"Oh yeah forgot." Clay rubbed his temples. "Dude you got any pain medicine? I cant survive a single class with this migraine."

"I told you to take some before we left, even my mom offered it to you." The two made it to their lockers which was next to each other's. Nick found two Tylenol in his locker handing it to the dirty blonde. "There you go asshole, we have to hurry."

The two made their way to the locker room where the whole hockey team was at. They both took a seat on one of the benches. Soon the coach walked into the room. "So guys as you all know we have a very important game tonight. This team is undefeated and we need to break their record so you need to be on top of your skill. Defense you need to tighten up when a player has the puck and they cant take a shot. Offense don't waste you shots! How many times do you guys ruin your chances of taking a better shot by shooting at nothing? Many times!" The coach sighed. "And you guys need to stop taking random penalties that we don't need!"

The whole locker roomed turned to face at Nick. He looked back at them confused. "I don't make random penalties."

"Nick you don't need to chuck or trip someone every five seconds, you cause way too many penalties by doing that and it's unnecessary."

"Its not my fault they are in my way." Nick argued back. "And what if I'm trying the get the puck off of their stick?"

"Then Nick you cut in front and try to jab the puck out of the area of their stick, that is not a penalty and it saves us from getting the other team a power play."

An: idk in league hockey they have power plays and icings but I'm just going off of Nhl rules!

"I want everyone on the ice warming up early since we have home rink." The coach looked down at his watch. "Everyone you can go to your first period classes, you better not be late to the game tonight.


George and Karl set some pucks down on the ice to start warming up. They were the first ones at the rink so they might as well start warming up. George got into position as Karl shot the puck at the goalie.

"Dude what happened you suck today." Karl joked around with George rolled his eyes.

"Its just warmups, its not like I'm actually trying right now." George retorted, he never tries in warmups because he doesn't want to waste his energy.

"Well start because I'm tired of wasting time catering to your lazy ass." Karl took another shot which George cleared away immediately.

Someone swooped by taking the puck away from Karl's stick. It was a boy with black hair. "You thought you could warm up without me?" A boy laughed.

"You weren't here Alex." Karl laughed as he watched Alex shoot the puck which George blocked immediately.

"Oh yeah there are these two guys talking shit about George, I passed their locker room." Alex laughed. "Like they could score on him."

"They can say whatever they want I couldn't care, they probably aren't that good." George laughed as he fixed his position to face Karl who took a shot.

"Cocky much?" Karl said in a joking manner. They all turned when they heard a sound and soon two boys ran onto the ice.

They started to shoot at the empty net. They boys turned back around and continued to warm up. Soon more teammates from both teams entered onto the ice.

Everyone went to their team's bench to discuss before the game. "Okay Karl you will start center, Greyson you will be left wing and Tom you will be right wing. Alex you will start left back and Liam you will start right back. Austin you will fill in for Karl, Callahan you will switch with Greyson, Floris you will fill in for Tom, Eret you will go in for Alex and lastly Vick you will go in for Liam."

They all started to go into their positions. Soon White Bridge got into their position. Karl and Clay stood across the line ready for the face off. Soon the referee came over starting the game. He hovered the puck in the middle. And then he dropped it.

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