Chapter 8: Skip

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"Okay everyone flip to page sixty-eight and we will pick up where we left off on Friday." Clay's english teacher said as she picked up a book off of her desk.

Clay grabbed a book out of his bag and flipped to the page. The door bursted open and a girl walked into the room. "Sorry I'm late."

"Its okay, take a seat and flip to page sixty-eight please." She said and the girl took the only open seat next to Clay.

"You look nice Clay." The girl complemented, it was the same girl from the party. He just smiled as he faked pay attention to the teacher reading. "I don't think I told you my name, I'm Bianca."

"Nice." He said. "You already know my name."

"What did I do?" She whispered which he looked back at her confused. "You seem totally not interested in me, so what did I do wrong?"

"For starters you cheated on all of your boyfriends."Clay whispered back. "And I'm not going to be one of them."

"Well you're different compared to them, I actually like you. I promise I wont cheat on you. Just give me a chance."

"See I already go through a ton of shit in my life and I'm not making it worse." Clay said as he looked over at Nick who was hiding his phone behind the book.

"Oh what could be so bad about your life?" She asked Clay. "You aren't poor, you have a loving family. What could be so bad?"

"I don't fucking owe you an explanation on how my life isn't the greatest so keep your mouth shut." He retorted.

"And what if I don't?" She leaned in even closer. "Oh Clay, the boy who fakes dealing with shit while others actually go through real shit."

"I'm not faking shit. My family was shit before, and after the shit I had to deal with my parents dropped me and my sister on my uncle and aunts house and fucking took off."

Clay didn't care what she had to say so he shoved on his airpods, his overgrown hair covered them so the teacher never noticed. He didn't even tell her the worst things that happened, just the basics.

After twenty minutes the bell rung and Clay never packed up faster than he did. He quickly went up the stairs and entered in a bathroom. He went into the handicap stall and sat down on the ground. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of his bag and started to light it.

He heard a dock on the stall and when he saw the shoes he knew who it was. He opened the door to see a brunette. "You're not handicap you fucking idiot." Alec said as he walked into the stall and sat on the ground.

"How did you know I was in here?" Clay asked as he sat on the floor where he originally was sat. Clay continued to smoke his cigarette.

"I can tell by your shoes, they're so beaten up and you wont replace them." Alec pointed at Clay's converses. "Whats wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Clay asked but Alec gave him a certain look. "This girl Bianca keeps asking to date me and I don't want to and she was pissed and she said I was faking about how my life isn't all heaven and like I didn't want to tell her. I put in my airpods but she still asked how was that bad. I don't know I just thought about it that whole period."

"Don't think about those assholes, they caused hell for you just try to forget them." Alec said. "Look you're in a better place right now."

"I know its just I spent most of my life with my parents and for them to just dump us off at my uncle's was a dickhead move." Clay took a puff of his cigarette. "Was I that bad of a fucking kid!?"

"Clay I promise you weren't a bad kid your parents were just assholes." Alec stated. "And Bianca shouldn't have questioned your life."

"Then why else would they leave then?"  Clay asked.

"Maybe because they snorted so much coke that they knew they couldn't raise you or your sister." Alec answered. "Dude your parents were addicts, and they were not the nicest to you. Why would you blame yourself?"

Alec was right. "I don't even." Clay sighed. Alec moved closer to Clay and started to rub his shoulder to comfort him. "Thanks."

"You know Clay maybe its a good thing they left. You and Drista don't have to be around all of that and you have a nice home now, your family loves you. Maybe it was all worth it.

"Since when did you become so wise." Clay joked around.

Alec stood up and held his hand out. "I always have been." He pulled Clay up off of the floor. "Cmon get to class."

"I have Mr. Philza so hopefully he doesn't mine me skipping the beginning half of the period." Clay looked over at the sink and splashed water on his face.

"You guys aren't doing anything, thats my first period class." Alec reassured. "Cmon we need to leave." Alec said nicely.

The two walked out of the bathroom and split ways to there classes. Clay made his way to Philza's classroom and he knocked on the door.

Mr. Philza opened the door. "Is everything okay, why are you late?" He questioned immediately.

"I ran into a problem with someone so I just walked into the restroom and my friend came in and I had to talk to him." Clay said honestly.

"Okay if you need to talk I'm always open." He opened the door wider and let Clay in. "Don't worry about being late." He whispered.

Clay walked next to his friend Luke and sat to the right of him. "Punz what did I miss?" He asked his friend.

"Nothing much." Luke answered. "Just some shit about world war two." Luke leaned in closer. "So Nick was telling me about you and Bianca. Tell me about it."

"I don't want to talk about it right now." Clay shut it down.

"Why do you smell like cigarettes? Did you skip just to smoke?" Luke asked which Clay shrugged his shoulders. "How the fuck do you not know?"

"I didn't mean for it to be long, Alec came in and started talking to me." Clay answered, he rested his head against his desk as the teacher taught.

Clay soon felt himself dooze off into a deep sleep during class. Soon enough he felt someone shake his shoulder and when he looked up it was Mr. Philza. "Class ended. Clay are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Clay stood up from his desk and grabbed his bag. "Sorry for holding you up." He apologized.

"Its fine just hurry up to your next class before you're late." Mr. Philza said as Clay thanked him and started to walk to his next class. But something hit him and he thought how he should just leave, its not like he has tests anyways.

He quickly escaped through a back door before any staff member could see him. He bolted to his car and started to drive off. He couldn't go back to his house since his Aunt and Uncle would be home and he would get in trouble. He decided to go back to the coffee shop.

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