Chapter 16: Burnt

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"You burned it!" George yelled at Clay as they pulled the waffle off of the maker. "You fucking suck at cooking!"

"I am practically Gordon fucking Ramsey." Clay pointed at the only light-ish part of the waffle. "See its not burnt at all."

"Its pitch black you dumbass!" George slapped the back of Clay's head with his hand. "You need to see an eye doctor."

"I have twenty-twenty vision." Clay retorted back. Clay wrapped his arm around George's neck and pulled him closer.

George looked up at the boy confused. "Why are you acting like we are dating?" George questioned confused.

"Well." Clay sighed but not in a bad way. "You fucking saved me man and you are very hot and I wanted to ask you out for a while."

"So you only liked me because you thought I looked attractive, thats all?" George questioned.

"Well thats definitely a factor but its not the entire reason why I like you. I think you're funny, nice, and I also like your business shit." Clay stammered.

"Its not a business." George laughed. "Its more of a communication involving a paid service." George tried to explain.

"Sucking guys's dicks isn't much of a communication because you can't really talk which that causes the communication to happen." Clay messed around.

"Are you seriously trying to correct what I just explained?" George couldn't hold back his laughter. "You're annoying."

"You know damn well I am not annoying." Clay protested. "If I was annoying why would you let me stay here?"

"Because I was not going to let you pass out, or have anything worse happen to you." George brushed Clay's hair. "I'm glad nothing too awful happened to you."

Before Clay could say something back the door flung open to reveal a brunette man. "George I need to tell you whose bed I woke up in." Karl looked at the other boy. "Woah George you slept with the captain from the other team."

Karl walked over into the kitchen and started to search through the fridge trying to find something to eat. George turned to face him. "No I didn't sleep with Clay. So who did you sleep with?"

"Remember that Armstrong guy?" Karl asked which made George nod his head to answer. "I woke up at his place."

"Fuck." Clay groaned which made the two brunettes confused. "What was he like last night, like when you two went back to his place?"

Karl was still confused but he tried his hardest to answer Clay's question. "Uh, well we were both drunk so I don't remember that well. Do you know him?"

"Yeah he is my best friend." Clay brushed back his hair do it didn't cover his eyes. "You might not be able to remember this but did you find him in the office?"

Karl tried remembering the best he can from the last night and soon he got his answer. "I did. Is everything okay?"

Clay sighed. "Yeah everything is fine, thank you for telling me."

"So Karl shouldn't you go back to your own house before you get in trouble. Your mom is going to kill you."

"Shit I forgot about that part, can I lie and said I spent the night at your house?" Karl asked George which made him laugh.

"Have you looked in the mirror?" George asked which Karl shook his head as an answer. "You have a massive hickey on you neck. Do you really think your mom is going to believe you spent the night here?"

"I'm going to borrow Hannah's makeup to cover it." Karl walked out of the kitchen and through a hallway leading to the bedrooms.

"Sorry about my neighbor, we always go into each other's house when we feel like it. Since you absolutely destroyed these waffles do you want anything else?"

"I'm okay." Clay messed with George's hair again. "I'm really sorry for forcing you to let stay here, I seriously could have found somewhere else."

"Clay listen to me." George placed his hand on Clay's shoulder. "You didn't force me to do anything, I'd rather you have stayed here than god knows where."

"Thank you." Clay looked over at the stove to see what the time was. "Hey I hate to seem like an asshole but I really got to leave."

"No its fine let me show you the way out." The two made there was to the front door. "Do you need a ride home?"

"No I'm okay, I can walk." Clay reassured the brunette but that wasn't enough.

"Are you sure you're fine? If you want I can take Karl's car and drop you off at your house. Isn't it a pretty far walk from here?"

Clay smashed their lips together as an answer. It felt perfect to George even though it only lasted for a couple seconds. When Clay pulled apart he had a huge smile imprinted on his face. "I'm good, thanks for letting me stay here. I will text you the information about the date as soon as I can."

Clay waved goodbye as he walked out of the house, leaving George in utter shock. George turned around to see Karl laughing hardly. "Dude I'm sending that to Hannah."

At first George didn't get it but then he saw the phone in Karl's hand. "Don't you fucking dare send that to her!"

"Too late." Karl snickered as he showed George his texts. "So i thought you said you didn't sleep with him."

George rolled his eyes. "I didn't fucking sleep with him. He just spent the night because he was drunk, thats it."

"He looked sober when he kissed you." Karl teased the brunette. "So when are you going on this said date?"

"I don't know, he said he will text me with the information." George walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch and soon Karl sat on the other end of the couch. "He's grounded so it probably wont be soon."

"If he snuck out to go to a party he might sneak out to go on a date with you." Karl laughed. "My child is growing up."

George took a pillow and threw it at the boy. "I hate when you call me that, just because you are one year older doesn't mean you can be annoying."

"I am not annoying, asshole." Karl defended himself. "You cant be talking shit about me when you just launched your tongue into Clay."

"Says the one who had sex with a guy while drunk last night. At least I can keep my dick in my pants, un like you."

"Says the one who has a business where you blow random guys in the bathroom. Also what if they had like stds and shit? You need to get tested."

"I don't need tested for shit, only pussies get diseases and shit. I'm not a pussy."

"You sure as hell don't like pussy." Karl laughed. "You always got to be aware on who you fuck with just because you know your mom will kill you."

"Even if I got an std I would just never tell anyone and ignore it. It seriously isn't that important at all, everyone over reacts it."

"Sure man sure." Karl laughed as he stood up and walked over to George and held out his hand. "Lets go to the rink."


Clay finally arrived to his house with a carrier with three coffees, just like his aunt said. "I'm back. I didn't know what coffees you guys wanted so I got random stuff!" He walked over to the kitchen and places the carrier on the island. "Drista I got you a hot chocolate."

Drista ran up to Clay and hugged the boy. "Thank you!"

Clay's uncle rushed into the kitchen wearing a decent outfit. "I have to hurry to do inventory at the bar, thanks for the coffee." He quickly rushed out of the house with a coffee in his hand.

Soon Aunt Nancy walked into the kitchen and hugged Clay, happy that he was okay. "Thank you so much for the coffee, I need it this morning."

"Yeah I'm sorry." Clay handed her a coffee as he looked down at Drista. "Hey Dris can i speak to mom real quick?" He only called his aunt mom when Drista was around. She nodded as she walked away and into her room. "I'm really sorry about last night."

She sighed. "Am I disappointed? Very, but I'm happy you called me even though it was at two in the morning."

"Did you tell Uncle Randy about last night?" Clay asked Aunt Nancy which she shook her head for an answer. "Thank you."

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