2. heirlooms shards

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Now onto one of the most talk about topic "heirloom shards" so in my opinion we should get an heirloom at 300 packs instead of 500 cause it's unfair that there several people who have either got one on their first pack or got one half way.

There are people have been play since s5, s6, s3 and so on who still don't have an heirloom I know the point is to make them rare but bro there's so many of them and to waste time and money just for 1 heirloom/mythic skin is such a waste of "TIME AND MONEY" it should not take someone 2yrs to get and heirloom ya know.

If it's gonna take that much time just to get one heirloom then can we at least get something cooler than a voice line and banner pose with it cause there is no way your finna do that to us man.


Let me know what y'all thinkin here love to here your thoughts👉

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