.•.•.•chains is safe•.•.•.

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Cowbell kicked the door open to chains room. "Ah!" The water ghoul is startled by the loud intrusion but quickly recovers, fixing his hair. "Cowbell... what is it?" He looks up at him, raising an eyebrow.

Cowbell didn't even speak as he pushed chain down and pulled his mouth open. "Don't fucking fight me." Cowbell growled as he poured a potion into chains mouth. Chain gasps, his eyes widening as he tries to spit it out. He thrashes, knocking over books and shelves in his panic, the potion is causing his vision to blur and his mouth to go numb. "What is this??" He asks, trying to yell.

"This will make you be normal again. Sister brainwashed you and this will make you be who you where before." Cowbell hissed. *"Huh?"* The water ghoul blinks and looks up at Cowbell, the potion has now taken hold and he is feeling dizzy and light-headed. "This... will make me... normal...?" he says, his eyes half closed and his speech slurred.

It was a few hours later and ifrit was cuddling chain. "Baby.. please be okay.. I can't believe sister did this to you.." ifrit sobbed. Chain sits up, but seems disoriented. He looks down and observes his arms and legs, before turning his gaze toward Ifrit. The dizziness and haziness has somewhat dissipated, but he is still disoriented nonetheless. "What... where am... I...?" he asks, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

Ifrit looked up and smiled softly, "baby your okay! Your back!" Ifrit pulled chain into his arms as he kissed him. "I-I'm back..." Chain whispers, he seems relieved, but exhausted at the same time. "Huh... w-what happened?" He glances around the room, looking for clues.

"Sister.. she brain washed you.. but cowbell helped me get you back..." ifrit sobbed into chain chest. "Cowbell... helped...?" he's confused, but just nods anyway. "W-what do you mean... by brainwash?"

"She made you.. think you where not loved.. and made you follow her... but your back! We can.. be happy again.." you smiled softly. "I'm... loved?" he asks in confusion, his eyebrows furrow and he appears to be processing the news in his head. "I'm loved...?" He repeats this to himself, and his expression softens.

Ifrit pushed chain down and started kissing him. "I missed you so much baby.." ifrit whispered against chains lips. "I-I... missed you too." Chain is overwhelmed by love, and kisses Ifrit back, holding him tightly. "...I love you." he whispers, his expression is soft and gentle. "Very, very much."

Ashy clouds ~ Cumulus x Fern reader in the beginning but kinda turns masc readerWhere stories live. Discover now